Day 1,255
#Pandemic #SarsCoV2
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #LongCovid #MaskUp #Aerosols #NewVariants #BringBackMasks #BringBackPCRs #Disabled #MassDisabling #WeAreNotOK #VascularDisease #ImmuneSystemDamage #CognitiveIssues #BrainDamage #POTS #MECFS #Superspreader #MasksWork #ImproveAirInSchools #CorsiRosenthal #N95 #KN94 #KidsGetCovidToo #ExcessDeaths #FromCovid #WithCovid #WeAreOnOurOwn
#EveryoneIsSickOfThis #DenialIsNotSafe #CovidIsNotDoneWithYou #StaySafe #Please
#pandemic #sarscov2 #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #longcovid #maskup #aerosols #newvariants #bringbackmasks #bringbackpcrs #disabled #massdisabling #wearenotok #vasculardisease #immunesystemdamage #cognitiveissues #braindamage #pots #mecfs #superspreader #maskswork #improveairinschools #corsirosenthal #n95 #kn94 #kidsgetcovidtoo #excessdeaths #fromcovid #withcovid #weareonourown #everyoneissickofthis #denialisnotsafe #covidisnotdonewithyou #staysafe #please
I was just on another social media platform and a friend said they had #Covid... For the FIFTH TIME... 5..
All the comments were oh no, that must be a record, hope the symptoms are mild, etc etc etfuckingcetera
Not, you know, I'm so sorry your body is riddled with disease, how will you cope with a small child and holes in your brain, wait till you discover #PEM, WERE YOU EVEN TRYING NOT TO GET IT??
I just can't.
Luckily the feed refreshed before I could comment.