O Jedi eu joguei de novo pra me animar pro 2 que sai no final do mes, o jogo é meio +/- mas quando acerta, acerta em cheio
We Are OFK é uma visual novel musical que eu gostei muito, me envolvi com os personagens e até gostei de algumas musicas. Recomendo muito, é acima de tudo sobre pessoas e é uma experiencia legal. É tudo bem fácil e as vezes tem texto demais, mas tudo bem, a maior parte é dublado.
#weareofk #ofk #jedifallenorder
Two song on that playlist are from the #heartstopper soundtrack. I thing everyone on that soundtrack is queer.
Finally there's an #WeAreOfk song too. As I said before: it's great. Footstep in particular is very catchy.
Then I'd like to highlight 3 game.
#WeAreOFK is a visual novel about a queer indie band in Los Angeles. It's a lovely story and hit me right in the feels multiple time. Also the songs are cool.
#LilGatorGame is a mix of Zelda BOTW with #AShortHike so it's basically my two favorite game mixed into one. Also it's very short.
Finally #ParadiseMarsh is a game where you walk around beautiful environment collecting bugs to create constellation. It's basically made for me.
#weareofk #lilgatorgame #ashorthike #paradisemarsh
Kotaku: Kenneth Shepard's Top Five Games Of 2022 https://kotaku.com/best-games-2022-pokemon-legends-arceus-overwatch-ofk-1849935691 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #multiplayeronlinegames #roleplayingvideogames #videogamecharacters #pokc3a9monuniverse #book3apokc3a9mon #coheedandcambria #kennethshepard #creativeworks #cdprojektred #videogaming #cyberpunk #weareofk #cambria #pokemon #spotify #pikachu #arceus #kotaku #haven #turo #sony #rpg #kay #yu
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #multiplayeronlinegames #roleplayingvideogames #videogamecharacters #pokc3a9monuniverse #book3apokc3a9mon #coheedandcambria #kennethshepard #creativeworks #cdprojektred #videogaming #cyberpunk #weareofk #cambria #pokemon #spotify #pikachu #arceus #haven #turo #sony #rpg #kay #yu
I was black friday-ing and hit up the steamsale and got myself Omari and We Are OFK #steam #SteamSale #BlackFriday #Omari #WeAreOFK #Gaming #VideoGames #screenshots
#steam #steamSale #blackfriday #omari #weareofk #gaming #videogames #screenshots
Review: We Are OFK is stylish, subversive TV disguised as an indie game - Enlarge / The stylish leads of We Are OFK—and yes, that includes the ca... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1874279 #hyperlightdrifter #gaming&culture #arsapproved #gamereviews #gamereview #weareofk
#weareofk #gamereview #gamereviews #arsapproved #gaming #hyperlightdrifter