#Suicide #Logistics #Letters #Notes
Given my whole #Misanthropy #FailedTransition #Transphobia #Homophobia #Racism #Misogyny #FsckThePatriarchy #fsckALLreligion #FsckRWNJs #ClimateCrisis #Biodiversity #FsckWarmongers #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #WeAreTotallyFscked shtick, the concept & practicalities of suicide is a frequent thought-companion of mine.
One of the myriad details over which i cogitate is the matter of leaving a suicide-note/s, or not. Would a simple bland One Note To Rule Them All suffice? Would it be better form to craft individual personalised notes to each of the half-handful of peeps for whom it'd be passingly relevant? Is there any point leaving any bloody thing? Would one settle scores, or nobley just turn one's other #atheist cheek?
How should any putative notes be conveyed? Handwritten on paper & left on the kitchen bench, in the event someone eventually wonders why the mail piled up & the grass became jungle, & forced* their way in for a look-see? Maybe one/more emails, left dangling in one's Outbox on a schedule to transmit after the deed is done? But then what if a blackout were to happen?
*Would they even need to force their way in? Would it be better to leave the front or back door unlocked, for easy ingress? But what then if the putative future entree was not cops or family, but instead thieves / vandals?
It really is a complex business, & this is ofc only lightly touching the surface. Maybe i need to invest the time to properly project-manage this, including ofc a decent #GanttChart & #CriticalPathAnalysis. I mean, i wouldn't want anyone to think i was just an amateur, ffs! ๐
#suicide #logistics #letters #notes #misanthropy #failedtransition #transphobia #homophobia #racism #misogyny #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs #ClimateCrisis #biodiversity #fsckwarmongers #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked #atheist #ganttchart #criticalpathanalysis
>Why Is There So Much Right-Wing Media?
Coz HEAPS of humans are myopic greedy selfish venal nasty egotistic racist *phobes who don't grasp that others' safety & happiness does not infringe their own.
#WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #fsckALLreligion #FsckThePatriarchy #FsckRWNJs #Misanthropy
#weareselfishcruelbastards #fsckallreligion #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckrwnjs #misanthropy
>We are, however, making it incompatible with human life
Not only. We are callously indifferently irresponsibly also wiping out vast swathes of other #species all around us. ๐ฑ
Yay humans! ๐คฆโโ๏ธ
#WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #WeAreTotallyFscked #ClimateCrisis
#ClimateCrisis #species #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked
@rjpayne Yep, coz, so many of my fellow Strayans are venal selfish greedy myopic she'll-be-right i'm-alright-Jack arseholes. I bet the stonking majority of these vote Lieberals, Nuts, or Poooooorline. Many of those who vote Labor are nearly as bad, not least for Labor's obsession with demonising Greens & supporting #FossilFools ๐คฆโโ๏ธ
#Biodiversity #Extinction #ClimateCrisis #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #WeAreTotallyFscked #AusPol
#auspol #fossilfools #biodiversity #extinction #ClimateCrisis #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked
@HYPERPEACE IMO, with respect, your logic espoused above is either incorrect, or incomplete. Eg, moi:
- vegetarian for >decade [& the only non-vegan exceptions for me are: occasionally i can't get soy milk so need skim milk those times; & so far haven't found non-dairy cheese i can get]
- quit job & took early retirement, on #ClimateCrisis principle, rather than accept a contract from a dirty #FossilFool customer whom i'd then have had to technically support
- gave up driving, gave away my car
- never travel, any more
- gave up daily showers for every other day, & for the in-between days sponge wash with cold water
- each winter, try hard to hold out for as long as possible to delay turning on the gas heater
- each winter, wear several clothing layers & a beanie, inside, in order to be able to turn down said heater's thermostat & not freeze
- for many years, paid extra on my gas contract for "green gas", supposedly being that the supplier offset my carbon [cancelled it this year following media exposure that these offset schemes are just a fraud].
- pay extra on my electricity contract for "green electricity", for supplier who sources from actually genuinely certified renewable energy sources, not coal/gas-fired power
Yet, despite all the above, i absolutely fervently believe, unhappily, that our species [& MANY others] is completely doomed. Insufficient peeps are doing the right thing, in supposed democracies too many peeps keep voting in governments who are in bed with the #FossilFool companies, & across the globe repressive dictatorships are in majority, not democracies, & these overwhelmingly are also #ClimateCriminals. Meanwhile, our self-induced #ClimateCrisis marches ever closer to irreversible non-linear tipping points & positive-feedback natural-system control loops.
Given my grim view that #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards & so #WeAreTotallyFscked yet still trying hard to personally live a principled responsible life, how does your logic pan out here?
TL;DR: contrary to your logic, it seems that one actually CAN try to do the right things, whilst simultaneously still...
>thinking somehow the world is beyond saving
>the balls to lie
...nope, neither part of that applies to me ๐
#ClimateCrisis #fossilfool #climatecriminals #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked
As i read this, i just uttered one more open-mouthed, disbelieving yet not, "oh nooooooo" after another. ๐ฎ
Peeps is creeps.
#WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #WeAreTotallyFscked #ClimateCrisis
#weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked #ClimateCrisis
>The doomers are right
Goddamnit & dagnabbit, we are NOT #Doomers, we are #Realists. We simply happen to know that as a species, #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards, ipso facto #WeAreTotallyFscked
We just happen to recognise that humans are the scorpion, #Gaia is the frog, & here we are, midstream, stinging that poor frog like there's no tomorrow...
#doomers #realists #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked #gaia #ClimateCrisis #NonLinear #tippingpoints
@andycarolan Well...
>why did we
Coz #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards
>Itโs too late isnโt it
Yep, #WeAreTotallyFscked
#weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked
@jik @jessicawildfire Oh wow. A great piece, thanks for posting it!
Fwiw, i share your !=optimism. My arch #cynicsm & #misanthropy, born of & informed by... decades of drawing oxygen & watching the national & global piles of irresponsible idiocy just grow & grow, make it simply impossible for me to now have any sense of hope. Taken en masse, humans are simply too greedy, selfish, myopic & irresponsible. We #Cassandras might as well also regard ourselves as #Sisyphus .
#ClimateCrisis #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #WeAreTotallyFscked
#cynicsm #misanthropy #cassandras #SiSyPHuS #ClimateCrisis #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked
Total disgusting wanker on #730 atm, owns 78 properties, rents out 77, "justifying" why he has raised all his rent prices, despite not needing to wrt his mortgage commitments.
Mate, you are a leech on society! ๐
#WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #RentalHell #HousingCrisis #auspol
#weareselfishcruelbastards #rentalhell #housingcrisis #auspol
#NewsCorpse gaslights everyone else but them [& their ๐คฌ readers/commenters]... again.
๐คฆโโ๏ธ ๐ ๐คฎ ๐
#NewsCorpse #racism #weareselfishcruelbastards #fsckyoumurdoch
@kentparkstreet One of the nastiest, most egregious, remarks i've heard many in the MSM muttering recently is this disgusting line; "there's no votes in helping the poor". ๐ฑ
If said MSM are just making that up, in line with their #RWNJ riding-instructions, then they're even more disreputable than i already believe.
If they're not just inventing it, & if in fact it's predicated on multiple independent well-designed statistically-significant surveys, then the Strayan electorate is even more venal, mean, nasty, egotistic, selfish, myopic & unempathic than i already believe.
Neither choice is good, duh.
#rwnj #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked #auspol
Oh onya, Straya ... pack of fscken #racist intolerant arseholes we are... yet again. ๐ ๐คฆโโ๏ธ ๐คฎ
Yassmin Abdel-Magied, reprised. Yet we still lie to ourselves & the world that we're actually egalitarian, easy-going, matey, & respecters of the fair go. Fsck we disgust me.
#auspol #racism #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #FirstNations #FsckTheMonarchy #Invasion #colonisation #cruelty
#auspol #racism #weareselfishcruelbastards #racist #firstnations #fsckthemonarchy #invasion #colonisation #cruelty
@jackofalltrades @joshsusser @ArrowbearMoore @tylerjdisney @jackwilliambell
>most people are, in fact, immoral or 'evil', if you will
...to which i riposte, "well, duh!".
#weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked
@pheonixed Simply despicable, innit! There's so much, so bloody much, i despair & despise about Strayan politics. One such is how both Labor & Liebs/Nuts [state & federal] blather on about jobs... jobs jobs JOBS... & make it the fulcrum for almost all policies, if only you dig deep enough into their word-salads.
The jobs mantra is weaponised by these collective & individual arseholes to legitimise everything bad, & subsume everything good.
Log native forests? But no, coz... koalas, pygmy possums, myriad other critical flora & fauna. Aw, but JOBS!!! And so the box gets ticked.
Allow Adani? But no, coz... critically endangered biodiversity, water security, #FirstNations #NativeTitle, &, anyone heard of #ClimateCrisis? Aw, but JOBS!!! And so the box gets ticked.
Allow ABC, DEF, GHK et al coal mines? But no, coz... critically endangered biodiversity, water security, &, anyone heard of #ClimateCrisis? Aw, but JOBS!!! And so the box gets ticked.
Allow Beetaloo, Narrabri fracking? But no, coz... critically endangered biodiversity, water security, #FirstNations #NativeTitle, toxic salinity produced-water, &, anyone heard of #ClimateCrisis? Aw, but JOBS!!! And so the box gets ticked.
Ofc, these turds keep a second ace up their sleeves, in case constantly shrieking "jobs" might not always be sufficient. So then they back it up with screeching "export $$$", and so, the box gets ticked.
#firstnations #nativetitle #ClimateCrisis #auspol #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked
>Can we still turn the tide?
coz... humans involved. Given our species is riven with...
#weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked
Oi, you! You Strayan peeps who *keep* reflexively voting Labor, Liebs or Nuts, in a massive exercise of repeat foot-gun-bang, YOU are part of the problem!
SA Labor prove to be every bit as anti-#democracy anti-#climate as the fscken Liebs & Nuts. ๐ฑ
Stop voting for these morons, damnit.
#democracy #climate #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked #auspol
>mum and dad property investors
I hate this odious term with a passion. It's right up there with "hard working families". ๐คฎ
#auspol #housing #weareselfishcruelbastards
Can we assume that now, replete with the PM's glowing endorsement, #GuardianAustralia is about to change tack & henceforth begin approving new #FossilFool projects, funding the #FossilFool industry, making cruelly parsimonious miniscule adjustments to the entrenched #PovertyPayments of #NewStart, begin kicking peeps off #NDIS, flouting #FoI spirit & letter just like the previous arseholes, promulgating pure bullshit housing policies, yada yada ... all the while bleating constantly but dishonestly that they're "leaving no readers behind"? ๐คทโโ๏ธ ๐
#cynicism #sarcasm #satire #auspol #pessimism #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #WeAreTotallyFscked
#guardianaustralia #fossilfool #povertypayments #NewStart #NDIS #foi #cynicism #sarcasm #satire #auspol #pessimism #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked
#Mastodon #AdvancedWebInterface #LocalTimeline #FollowedHashtags #css
In my early months of Masto, last year, in my original #Instance, i personalised my Masto browser view to have five permanently visible columns, then used some #Stylus #css to adjust column widths, font sizes etc for comfy viewing in my browsers. The fifth column was the local timeline, which i used for casual reading during the times my Home column remained fairly "under-nourished".
One day, sometime last year, i learned from someone's helpful post that we could follow hashtags, something nowadays just blindingly obvious, but to me back then was utterly unknown. So i began doing so, adding more over time as needs & wants be.
A month or two ago, 'ish, i suddenly realised that nowadays i was spending ZERO time in that local timeline, given my Home column is always full as a goog, full up to dolly's wax, full to pussy's bow, et al ๐ Hence it was time to again edit my css, & my Masto interface, to revert to the four-column view.
TL;DR: following hashtags is fabulously handy!
#mastodon #advancedwebinterface #localtimeline #followedhashtags #css #instance #Stylus #misanthropy #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #renewableenergy #overshoot #wearetotallyfscked #weareselfishcruelbastards #whimsy #drhelenmagnus #hhgttg #mostlyharmless #MontyPythonsFlyingCircus #montypython #thespanishinquisition #RippingYarns #auspol #greens #michaelwestmedia #misdirection #semantics #logic #grammar #genderdysphoria #transition #transitioned #transwoman #transwomen #trans #lesbian #lesbians #FOSS #arch #archlinux #Archinstall #fedora #Kinoite #KDEplasma #plasma #KDE #qt #windowrules #xfce #tumbleweed #opensuse #microos #LibreOffice #KMyMoney #firefoxnightly #firefoxbeta #userJS #aboutconfig #sidebery #treestyletab #vivaldi #vivaldibrowser