The people, united, will never be defeated ✊
#UKPolitics #JoinAUnion #WeAreThe99% #FairPayAndConditions #SupportTheStrikes #EnoughIsEnough #WorkersRights #HumanRights #Solidarity #GeneralStrike #OccupyWestminster #FuckTheTories #GlobalResistance #KeepItInTheGround #ClimateEmergency #PeopleNotProfit #StandUpToFascism #JoinAUnion #GTTO
#gtto #standuptofascism #PeopleNotProfit #climateemergency #keepitintheground #globalresistance #FuckTheTories #occupywestminster #generalstrike #solidarity #humanrights #workersrights #enoughisenough #SupportTheStrikes #fairpayandconditions #wearethe99 #joinaunion #ukpolitics
@KestrelSWard Thanks! Half a million workers are on strike here today, thousands more are staying home to facilitate their colleagues' walk-outs, and there are kids as young as 8 on the picket line. Central London is at a standstill because of a march. You'll start a critical mass eventually, don't give up! #WeAreThe99% #Solidarity #JoinAUnion #GeneralStrike #HumanRights #StandUpToFascism
#standuptofascism #humanrights #generalstrike #joinaunion #solidarity #wearethe99
"The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass
#UKPoliltics #EnoughIsEnough #TaxTheRich #Solidarity #JoinAUnion #HumanRights #SupportTheStrikes #RefugeesWelcome #TransRights #SOSNHS #OccupyWestminster #RiseUp #FuckTheTories #StopTheGrift #SayNoToBBC #CovidCrimes #WeAreThe99%
#wearethe99 #covidcrimes #saynotobbc #StopTheGrift #FuckTheTories #riseup #occupywestminster #SOSNHS #transrights #refugeeswelcome #SupportTheStrikes #humanrights #joinaunion #solidarity #taxtherich #enoughisenough #ukpoliltics