Jay Baker (they/he) · @MediaActivist
661 followers · 2318 posts · Server kolektiva.social

So wait, let me get this right. Creatures have been roaming the planet for millions of years, thousands of years ago humans come along, and around three hundred years ago capitalism kicks in with its "endless growth" and "endless extraction" bullshit and already the planet is wrecked, there's climate chaos, and we're experiencing our hottest years ever and people are getting burns from touching the fucking pavement, and the capitalist class and their spokespeople in power don't give a shit because they're confident they and theirs will hold out on resources way longer than the rest of us, at the barrel of a gun if they have to, since there'll be enough desperate fools to accept scraps to keep protecting them from us. And in the meantime they'll continue to promote the same old filthy industries and agriculture, de-fund public transit, buy up social media to openly and proudly promote misinformation, and use their state and corporate media hierarchies to ensure ignorance towards the climate emergency like they have the ongoing pandemic, or just keep pushing back already-laughable environmental "targets" while they keep laughing at us, extracting resources and profits, filling their coffers, fucking the planet, and introducing sweeping surveillance and protest bans, to the point where someone like me, even with my privileges, will end up in prison just for existing or for anarchist thought; someone who never did shit to anyone, just dared to engage in (shock!) noncompliance in their wretched little system, doing no harm and taking no shit. Take care of one another! Organise! We can't aid and abet these policymaking mass murderers in sharp suits. We can't lose our humanity. After all, *humanity* never *was* compatible with capitalism.

#globalwarming #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #capitalismIsADeathCult #capitalism #anarchism #solidarity #organise #unionise #Unions #rentersunion #rentersrights #transrights #lgbtq #refugeeswelcome #wearethe99percent #acab #Abolition #fuckcars #publictransit #Community #urbanism

Last updated 1 year ago

Babu Menos 💬 · @babumenos
771 followers · 4645 posts · Server sunny.garden
Babu Menos · @babumenos
705 followers · 4796 posts · Server sunny.garden

“The deadly word, freedom”

Musician, artist, and activist Brian Eno and economist and author Ha-Joon Chang talk about the intersection of arts and economy, record profits in times of inflation and crisis, inequality, neoliberalism’s lies and much more.

Eno: “I read just recently that 42 trillion dollars of new wealth was generated during the pandemic and that 65 per cent of that had gone to the top 1 per cent.”


#capitalism #neoliberalism #inequality #endcapitalism #stopneoliberalism #brianeno #hajoonchang #wearethe99percent

Last updated 1 year ago

punko · @punko
471 followers · 3265 posts · Server kolektiva.social
the trouble with mia · @fkamiah17
1584 followers · 8768 posts · Server toot.wales

... their repetitive energy. Their repeated article of faith is: There is no alternative."
John Berger
I've just found this passage in an old commonplace book from 2015. It could have been written this morning. I don't think we're all scared enough of how things are going in the world.

#taxtherich #noplanetb #socialjustice #ruleoflaw #humanrights #climatecatastrophe #quotes #wearethe99percent #corporategreed #capitalismkills #politics

Last updated 1 year ago

the trouble with mia · @fkamiah17
1584 followers · 8759 posts · Server toot.wales

"... of the hoardes of new poor.
It is this new politico-economic circle which today encourages the constant human capacity for cruelties that obliterat the human imagination."
John Berger, Bento's Book (2011)
3 of 3
Sounds about right.

#climatecatastrophe #socialjustice #humanrights #riseup #wearethe99percent #noplanetb #povertyisnotacrime #capitalismkills

Last updated 1 year ago

the trouble with mia · @fkamiah17
1581 followers · 8598 posts · Server toot.wales

Remember when we heard them bleating "It's not who we are" about the forced installation of pre-payment meters? (Of course you do, it was only two weeks ago). Turns out it's exactly who they fucking are:
This afternoon's example of parasitic capitalism in action.

#wearethe99percent #greed #climatecatastrophe #enoughisenough #keepitintheground #peoplenotprofits #taxtherich #ukpolitics #Costoflivingcrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

the trouble with mia · @fkamiah17
1517 followers · 7021 posts · Server toot.wales
the trouble with mia · @fkamiah17
1517 followers · 7018 posts · Server toot.wales

@thephd Indolence, apathy, misinformation on a massive and extremely well-funded scale, governments in thrall to short-termism and with their eye on re-election rather than policy-making (meaning the "elected representatives" get older and less conversant with the world as it is), the war on terror, the financial crash, disaster capitalism, the accretion of wealth in the hands of fewer and fewer people ... Time to put it right

#wearethe99percent #taxtherich #workersunite

Last updated 2 years ago

the trouble with mia · @fkamiah17
1511 followers · 6956 posts · Server toot.wales
Jake Rayson · @natureworks
645 followers · 1602 posts · Server mas.to

I’m not megarich (gardener, go figure) but I am in the luxurious position of donating small sums to Good Causes. I use & for plant reference & photos, and @internetarchive mostly for their amazing online library.

So, ker-ching, there goes my small change. Help out, but only if you can afford to



#wearethe99percent #wikimediacommons #wikipedia

Last updated 2 years ago

Productivity has risen 60% over the same period. If the minimum wage had risen along with productivity it would be about $25/hour now!

#wearethe99percent #WhoseSideAreYouOn

Last updated 2 years ago

Median worker pay has risen 18% over the last 40 years while CEO pay has risen 1460%. pitchforkeconomics.com/episode

#wearethe99percent #WhoseSideAreYouOn

Last updated 2 years ago

wolle4systemchange · @systemchange
107 followers · 849 posts · Server climatejustice.social

Warum der Systemchange kommen muss?
Weil wir inzwischen wieder in einer Feudalgesellschaft leben, in der die Superreichen das Sagen haben, sich einen Hofstaat. leistet, der einzig dazu dient, uns kleinzuhalten, uns zu belügen und zu vertrösten. Selbst vor einer Spaltung und der Zerstörung der Lebensgrundlagen der heutigen und aller noch nachfolgenden Generationen schrecken sie in ihre blinden Gier nicht zurück!

#SystemChangeNotClimateChange #EatTheRich #wearethe99percent

Last updated 2 years ago

To be fair we don't actually prescribe to thinking — that is how we are up into little confused tribes, how they trigger meatBrained .

We are so much and more effective when we realise .

#leftRightParadigm #divided #tribalism #better #wearethe99percent

Last updated 3 years ago