@davedarko I would have successfully accomplished the #ComponentFreeTil2023 challenge except a certain awesome triad of #makers somehow managed to international ship a #LuxLavalier and #PixelBlaze order across the border *much* faster than expected!
It wasn't supposed to arrive until January. Darn them! 😂
Thank you! 👍👍
#componentfreetil2023 #makers #luxlavalier #pixelblaze #wearetheblinky
For my own sanity and possibly yours in dealing with my stuff.
#hashtags I commonly use when posting beyond those in bio (some key ones repeated):
Note: #WIP
- various tags to identify possibly unwanted text/imagery in food preparation
#NowPlaying #RandomMusic
#reuse #recycle #OtherPeoplesGarbage
- locations where appropriate
#hashtags #wip #WryComment #canadianeh #CrazyCanuckBBQ #carnivore #resurrectedrecordplayer #nowplaying #randommusic #phonephotography #reuse #recycle #otherpeoplesgarbage #packrat #myhistory #wearetheweird #wearetheblinky #freakflag
You people honestly need to take a step back and re-evaluate.
It took me over 5yrs to get to this point over there!
It's been 15 days!!
#speechless #mastodon #wearetheweird #wearetheblinky #freakflag