Given my whole shtick, the concept & practicalities of suicide is a frequent thought-companion of mine.

One of the myriad details over which i cogitate is the matter of leaving a suicide-note/s, or not. Would a simple bland One Note To Rule Them All suffice? Would it be better form to craft individual personalised notes to each of the half-handful of peeps for whom it'd be passingly relevant? Is there any point leaving any bloody thing? Would one settle scores, or nobley just turn one's other cheek?

How should any putative notes be conveyed? Handwritten on paper & left on the kitchen bench, in the event someone eventually wonders why the mail piled up & the grass became jungle, & forced* their way in for a look-see? Maybe one/more emails, left dangling in one's Outbox on a schedule to transmit after the deed is done? But then what if a blackout were to happen?

*Would they even need to force their way in? Would it be better to leave the front or back door unlocked, for easy ingress? But what then if the putative future entree was not cops or family, but instead thieves / vandals?

It really is a complex business, & this is ofc only lightly touching the surface. Maybe i need to invest the time to properly project-manage this, including ofc a decent & . I mean, i wouldn't want anyone to think i was just an amateur, ffs! ๐Ÿ˜œ

#suicide #logistics #letters #notes #misanthropy #failedtransition #transphobia #homophobia #racism #misogyny #fsckthepatriarchy #fsckallreligion #fsckrwnjs #ClimateCrisis #biodiversity #fsckwarmongers #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked #atheist #ganttchart #criticalpathanalysis

Last updated 1 year ago


>We are, however, making it incompatible with human life

Not only. We are callously indifferently irresponsibly also wiping out vast swathes of other all around us. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

Yay humans! ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

#ClimateCrisis #species #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked

Last updated 1 year ago

MsDropbear ๐ŸŒˆโ™€ · @MsDropbear
208 followers · 1097 posts · Server
MsDropbear ๐ŸŒˆโ™€ · @MsDropbear
206 followers · 1051 posts · Server

@rjpayne Yep, coz, so many of my fellow Strayans are venal selfish greedy myopic she'll-be-right i'm-alright-Jack arseholes. I bet the stonking majority of these vote Lieberals, Nuts, or Poooooorline. Many of those who vote Labor are nearly as bad, not least for Labor's obsession with demonising Greens & supporting ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

#auspol #fossilfools #biodiversity #extinction #ClimateCrisis #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked

Last updated 1 year ago

@jknodlseder Well...

>not having kids, yet doing so to reduce your carbon footprint is absolute nonsense. The purpose of carbon footprint reductions is to assure a livable future for the next generations I disagree that is the sole purpose. Not everyone is rabidly homosapien-centric, y'know. Some peeps, maybe many but at least some, actually genuinely care about our species' footprint on the planet's overall biosphere, the criminal rates of species-extinction we've already caused & are still causing, & the escalating destruction we will do from our ongoing misbehaviour.

Ergo, to the extent that small individual steps might still play an incremental role in mitigating the carbon footprint to slow the onset of the mess we've created & thus possibly limit the damage to other species, these peeps' decision is rational, noble, & undeserving of mockery.

#ClimateCrisis #misanthropy #wearetotallyfscked

Last updated 1 year ago

@HYPERPEACE IMO, with respect, your logic espoused above is either incorrect, or incomplete. Eg, moi:
- vegetarian for >decade [& the only non-vegan exceptions for me are: occasionally i can't get soy milk so need skim milk those times; & so far haven't found non-dairy cheese i can get]
- quit job & took early retirement, on principle, rather than accept a contract from a dirty customer whom i'd then have had to technically support
- gave up driving, gave away my car
- never travel, any more
- gave up daily showers for every other day, & for the in-between days sponge wash with cold water
- each winter, try hard to hold out for as long as possible to delay turning on the gas heater
- each winter, wear several clothing layers & a beanie, inside, in order to be able to turn down said heater's thermostat & not freeze
- for many years, paid extra on my gas contract for "green gas", supposedly being that the supplier offset my carbon [cancelled it this year following media exposure that these offset schemes are just a fraud].
- pay extra on my electricity contract for "green electricity", for supplier who sources from actually genuinely certified renewable energy sources, not coal/gas-fired power

Yet, despite all the above, i absolutely fervently believe, unhappily, that our species [& MANY others] is completely doomed. Insufficient peeps are doing the right thing, in supposed democracies too many peeps keep voting in governments who are in bed with the companies, & across the globe repressive dictatorships are in majority, not democracies, & these overwhelmingly are also . Meanwhile, our self-induced marches ever closer to irreversible non-linear tipping points & positive-feedback natural-system control loops.

Given my grim view that & so yet still trying hard to personally live a principled responsible life, how does your logic pan out here?

TL;DR: contrary to your logic, it seems that one actually CAN try to do the right things, whilst simultaneously still...

>thinking somehow the world is beyond saving


>the balls to lie

...nope, neither part of that applies to me ๐Ÿ˜œ

#ClimateCrisis #fossilfool #climatecriminals #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked

Last updated 1 year ago

@allofmystudentsrunaway Fine & normal. Nothing to see here. These are not the lifeforms you're looking for.


Last updated 1 year ago

@RichardAshwell @therockyfiles Yep.

Though i do rail against the general stupidification of populations in terms of being clueless about so much basic scientific fact & phenomena, i also bemoan their refusal to at least accept the messages of reputable scientists when they try their damndest to communicate & explain at least the "big picture take-aways". That so many of the Great Unwashed prove so credulous as to instead believe the loud voices of the , acolytes & enablers [incl ofc the litany of disgraceful bought-&-owned pollies], keeps me in a constant state of simultaneous agog, despair & anger.

As for positive feedback loop analogies, examples, explainers... i feel confident that something like this would also fail to motivate these fools, but fwiw, the spectacular failure of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940 provides an enduring illustration of systemic destruction brought about by unmitigated positive-feedback mechanisms.

#fossilfools #wearetotallyfscked

Last updated 1 year ago

>trees release more carbon than they take in when the temperature rises above 18ยฐC.
>This means that global warming could make forests a net source of greenhouse gas emissions instead of a sink, ofc, forests burn, & = more & more fires.

#ClimateCrisis #wearetotallyfscked

Last updated 1 year ago

As i read this, i just uttered one more open-mouthed, disbelieving yet not, "oh nooooooo" after another. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Peeps is creeps.

#weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked #ClimateCrisis

Last updated 1 year ago


>The doomers are right

Goddamnit & dagnabbit, we are NOT , we are . We simply happen to know that as a species, , ipso facto

We just happen to recognise that humans are the scorpion, is the frog, & here we are, midstream, stinging that poor frog like there's no tomorrow...

#doomers #realists #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked #gaia #ClimateCrisis #NonLinear #tippingpoints

Last updated 1 year ago

After tolerating some of them for months, today i decided to begin sanctimonious peeps here who relentlessly criticise other peeps who avidly know our self-induced is real, is here now, is rapidly escalating, but who ALSO know that human nature is so fundamentally capricious, greedy, selfish, myopic & indolent that we are now five decades too late, are imminent if not already breached, & all those factors in combo equates to . These fellow-traveller pro-climate pompous-peeps mock & criticise us as being , & idiotically lump us in with the actual villains who caused this mess & who continue to fuel it. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ Begone, blockees!

#blocking #ClimateCrisis #NonLinear #tippingpoints #wearetotallyfscked #doomers

Last updated 1 year ago


>is what everyone in the Bay Area experienced back in 2020

... & eastern Straya in 2019. Yet, nobody learns the lessons. So many governments continue to support the industries & carry on "business as usual".

Our species is astonishingly stupid.

#fossilfool #wearetotallyfscked #ClimateCrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

@andycarolan Well...

>why did we


>Itโ€™s too late isnโ€™t it


#weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked

Last updated 1 year ago

@breedlov @walterdunham Doubt it. After all, the metaphorical frog never jumped outta the slowly heating allegorical beaker of water... & frogs are way smarter than us.


Last updated 1 year ago

@jik @jessicawildfire Oh wow. A great piece, thanks for posting it!

Fwiw, i share your !=optimism. My arch & , born of & informed by... decades of drawing oxygen & watching the national & global piles of irresponsible idiocy just grow & grow, make it simply impossible for me to now have any sense of hope. Taken en masse, humans are simply too greedy, selfish, myopic & irresponsible. We might as well also regard ourselves as .

#cynicsm #misanthropy #cassandras #SiSyPHuS #ClimateCrisis #weareselfishcruelbastards #wearetotallyfscked

Last updated 1 year ago

One of the many [MANY] aspects of [mainstream media] reporting that i deplore [& regularly scream at the radio about] seems wrapped up in their tendency for . The do this themselves [when choosing editorial partisanship over objectivity], but they also give free licence to arsehole pollies to do it by not challenging them when they use this cretinous tactic.

Person / group / party A wants "x".
Person / group / party B wants "z".
Person / group / party C offers "y", & then evermore screeches justification for this policy/thing as being "right & proper" coz it offends both A & B, by being not as radical as / a compromise between the "stupid / irresponsible / radical" policy/things "x" & "z".

Anyone with more than two functional synapses to rub together can see how bullshitty this argument is, on multiple grounds, but here's a trite little example, just to rub their collective noses in it.

A wants milk to contain 100 millilitres per litre of cyanide.
B wants milk to contain 0 millilitres per litre of cyanide.
C ipso facto adopts policy that henceforth, all milk shall be sold with 50 millilitres per litre of cyanide, being, QED, the "right & proper" policy coz tis less extreme than either of the other propositions.

I mean... *haysous fscking crisps!*. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ The pollies do this, the media do this, the media fail to call out the pollies for this, the moronic electorate just uncritically tolerates & accepts all this. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

#msm #bothsidesism #media #wearetotallyfscked #politics #auspol

Last updated 1 year ago

@Mooster What with , & , absolutely incontrovertibly...


#gaia #ClimateCrisis #skynet #wearetotallyfscked

Last updated 1 year ago


>France is preparing for 4ยฐC of warming by 2100"

In all honesty, i do not think anyone genuinely can. The world of that heat load will be so massively hostile to human survival that i feel it's just delusional to imagine we can adapt & cope with it. Our only salvation was to never get there, but we've proven far too stupid, greedy, selfish & myopic for that.


Last updated 1 year ago

@RichardAshwell @therockyfiles I have a feeling that even just the concept, let alone the implications of, non-linearity of closed systems, is utterly beyond non-technical peeps' comprehension. If a majority of the peeps, in a majority of nations, actually properly grasped the meaning & implications, they'd be rigid with sheer terror & marching on all their governments to demand immediate top-priority action.

Alas, that's not the world in which we live, which is why i am resigned to the fact that...

#wearetotallyfscked #ClimateCrisis

Last updated 1 year ago