Circling west of downtown close to Washington Park
Returning to ATL International #SeeYouNextTime #WeAreWatching #StopCopCity
10:09 EST — About an hour of flight time, surveillance mostly on downtown and Entrenchment Creek Forest
This less than an hour after our monitoring began. This isn’t an anomaly, but small yet clear sign of the oppression waged against #StopCopCity movement. Get in the fight #WeIntendToWin
#SeeYouNextTime #wearewatching #StopCopCity #weintendtowin
endlich starten #facebook #amazon #microsoft und #tomtom verbesserungen an #openstreetmap
is natuerlich am besten, wenn man die openstreetmap leute nicht mit dazu einlaed.
#facebook #amazon #microsoft #TomTom #openstreetmap #osm #wearewatching #grummel
This afternoon, on Mahatma Gandhi’s martyrdom, as #Delhi forms a human chain we will be on road through the route.
“In a gentle way, you can shake the world”