🏳️🌈 Wear it purple! 🏳⚧
Am Wear it Purple Day tragen queere Menschen und ihre Verbündeten lilane T-Shirts, um auf Mobbing gegen queere Jugendliche in Schulen aufmerksam zu machen und gesellschaftliche Einstellungen in Frage zu stellen, um eine bessere Welt für uns alle zu schaffen.
#wearitpurpleday #beproudofwhoyouare #wearitpurple
Today is Wear It Purple Day - the day where we remind all rainbow young people that we're here for you every day to help you write your story.
#wearitpurpleday #wearitpurpleday2023
Today in Australia it is Wear it Purple day. We wear it purple to show young queer youth that they are represented.
Encouraging everyone to put on something purple today. Or at least something rainbow.
Simple things can make a world of difference to others. You may make one person feel more accepted. Give hope to someone.
You may well pull someone off the edge and save them by something as simple as showing them you’re an ally or part of the community.
#lgbti #getrammed #wearitpurpleday
@melissabeartrix I really have to remember to get a purple shirt for #wearitpurpleday
Or maybe cosplay the Joker?
Wear it purple ... Hugz ... I may have purple undies on, and they are not on show
Hugz & xXx
Happy #WearItPurpleDay 🏳️⚧️🙏🏳️🌈
#Heute tragen wir lila um auf Mobbing und Anfeindungen gegen queere Jugendliche aufmerksam zu machen. Kinder & Jugendliche haben ein Recht auf ein angstfreies und offenes Leben –das gilt besonders für das Leben an der #Schule
#wearitpurpleday #heute #schule