Ich höre gerade den @Apfelfunk 387 (jaja weit hinterher!) und @jcfrick sucht eine Wetter App mit besseren Daten zB #Forecea. Schau dir mal #Weathergraph von Tomas Kafka die nutzt ua auch diese Daten #ApfelfunkGetroete #ApfelfunkGetröte
#forecea #weathergraph #apfelfunkgetroete #apfelfunkgetrote
Another change is that after several years of using Carrot weather, I’ve changed over to Weathergraph . It’s not as in-depth as Carrot in a lot of ways but for me, that’s not a bad thing. I muted the Carrot’s snark feature last year and just really like what I saw when trying out #WeatherGraph (free version) It’s got a yearly sub just like Carrot but I went with buying the forever subscription.
Perfect 🤩 #Weathergraph horizontal graph & #DarkSky vertical view ☔️ 🌤️ #darksky_weathergraph #iOS
#weathergraph #darksky #darksky_weathergraph #iOS
@romskii 👍🏼
Does anyone know whether Open-Meteo is any close to Meteogroup forecast (screens from #carrotweather and #Weathergraph app)
Looking for good data Germany.
#Weathergraph App.
It‘s not #carrotweather, but also a nice alternative to have a #DarkSky layout on iPhone and AppleWatch. And it is cheaper (as of now: one time payment).
Currently checking how accurate weather forecast is.
#weathergraph #carrotweather #darksky