This is a glitch in the weather model, right!?? Or are those space lasers coming online? #weather #minnesota #weathermodeling #weatherapp
#weather #minnesota #weathermodeling #weatherapp
Climate Change Is Increasing The Risk Of A California Megaflood
-- <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #hydrology #water #California #climatechange #flood #flooding #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #megaflood #extremeweather #storms #precipitation #rainfall #climate #weather #climatemodeling #weathermodeling #LENS #CommunityEarthSystemModelLargeEnsemble #risk #hazard #runoff #mitigation #planning #riskassessment #riskanalysis #riskmanagement #climateadaptation #emergencymanagement #data #community #publicsafety
#gis #spatial #mapping #hydrology #water #California #climatechange #flood #flooding #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #megaflood #extremeweather #storms #precipitation #rainfall #climate #weather #ClimateModeling #weathermodeling #lens #communityearthsystemmodellargeensemble #risk #hazard #runoff #mitigation #planning #riskassessment #riskanalysis #riskmanagement #climateadaptation #emergencymanagement #data #community #publicsafety
Now that we know we should be looking for it... et voila.
Change is conservative.
'Impacts of shifting phenology on boundary layer dynamics in North America in the CESM'
#weathermodeling #climatescience #climatechangeandweatherdynamics #openaccess