A little early in the morning thunder, with a very unhappy bird in the background. #thunder, #bird, #WeatherNerd
Hello world Mastodon.
Here is my proper, hash tagged #introduction toot of the things I am currently into.
#WeatherNerd, #WX, #FLWX
#Photography, #DecayPhotography
#GraphicDesign, #ConcertPosters
#Music, #GratefulDead, #Metallica, #BlindMelon, #Candlebox, #BlackCrowes, #ChrisRobinsonBrotherhood
#StarWars, #LordoftheRings, #LOTR, #TheShining, #Marvel
#ClevelandBrowns, #Browns, #CincinnatiReds, #Reds
#introduction #weathernerd #wx #FLwx #photography #decayphotography #graphicdesign #concertposters #music #gratefuldead #metallica #blindmelon #candlebox #blackcrowes #chrisrobinsonbrotherhood #starwars #lordoftherings #lotr #theshining #marvel #clevelandbrowns #browns #cincinnatireds #reds #retropop #comics #toys #vintagekenner #jawa #pugs #pugsofmastodon #pug
As pretty a picture as you could want of yesterday's storm passage: Barometric pressure bottoms out; wind veers and wind speed peaks; and RH starts to fall. #MEwx #WeatherNerd #weather
Still working towards filling out my follows here on the #fediverse using @subwaytooter on my phone and the web interface of #IndieWebSocial when at work on my computer.
One thing I don't see much of is accounts that update local weather. I hope that we begin to see more of this.
#twitterrefugees #twittermigration #weathernerd #weather #indiewebsocial #fediverse
I live in Maine - so it is so weird to see everyone else get huge snow predictions and then we get 1-2 inches of rain. But I hear the wind is going to be CRAZY bad so we are not out of the woods yet. #weathernerd
@insiderphd -9.8°C overnight in our little village just outside Chester. Brr... ❄️
Still, a few years back (2011? 2012?) it went down to -16°C in Chester. So by comparison, it's... toasty? 🍞😂
Hard to believe this was the year of record heat in summer... (And record rain in October, BTW. And warmest day in November...)
Some stats courtesy of our weather station: https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/ICHEST118
Find a weather station near you: https://bit.ly/WunderMapPWS (shortened because it's a VERY long URL)!
It’s #snow season for Bostonia. Hopefully the #BostonYeti makes an appearance this year. #WeatherNerd 🖤 https://instagram.com/thebostonyeti_official?igshid=YWJhMjlhZTc
#snow #bostonyeti #weathernerd
How exciting! The primary reason for my being a WaPo subscriber is now on Mastodon! Weather nerds, unite!
#capitalweathergang #weathernerd
#capitalweathergang #weathernerd
If you would like to see coded ATIS messages about conditions at #Hobart, follow @ymhbatis for hourly updates. Feed your inner #weatherNerd!
Thanks to @akent for adding little ol’ #hobart. Other locations also available.
Anyone out there with an Acurite 5-and-1 weather sensor? Finally changed the batteries on the sensor, and it now refuses to display data. Changed the batteries on the lighting detector multiple times without problems, so I'm not sure what's going on. The display says it's connected with full bars, but there's only dashes instead of data. Then it disconnects again after a few hours, and I'll try re-pairing it. Repeat loop. Ideas?
#weathernerd #weathertoots #wxmastodon #wxtooter #WxTwitter
What is your favorite season? 😎
#weather #climate #seasonal #holidays #seasons #meteorology #meteorologists #meteorologist #weatherpoll #WeatherNerd #weathertoots #SeasonGreetings
#SeasonGreetings #weathertoots #weathernerd #weatherpoll #meteorologist #meteorologists #meteorology #seasons #holidays #seasonal #climate #weather
Let’s see if video toots work…
This is from my #Weather #Quiz series :) hope you enjoy it!
Let me know how you do!
#atmosphericsciences #meteorology #atmosphericscience #climatescience #climatescientist #sciencetrivia #earthscience #weathertoots #WeatherNerd #ScienceMastodon #sciencequiz #trivia #quizbowl
#quizbowl #trivia #sciencequiz #ScienceMastodon #weathernerd #weathertoots #earthscience #sciencetrivia #climatescientist #climatescience #atmosphericscience #meteorology #AtmosphericSciences #quiz #weather