From Research To Action - The Growing Impact Of Attribution Science
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #climatechange #attribution #climateattribution #climateattributionscience #climatelawsuit #lawsuits #extremeweather #naturalweatherpatterns #weatherpatterns #model #modeling #research #event #connections #science #emissions #causality #weatherforecasting #interdisciplinary #water #hydrology #drought #watersecurity #heatwaves #flood #flooding #wildfires #global #regional #impacts #compoundeffect
#gis #spatial #mapping #climatechange #attribution #climateattribution #climateattributionscience #climatelawsuit #lawsuits #extremeweather #naturalweatherpatterns #weatherpatterns #model #modeling #research #event #connections #science #emissions #causality #weatherforecasting #interdisciplinary #water #hydrology #drought #watersecurity #heatwaves #flood #flooding #wildfires #global #regional #impacts #compoundeffect
#Inuit have lived off the land for centuries. The bond between people & their natural surroundings, #knowledge & #understanding of wildlife & #WeatherPatterns & #SeasonalChanges plays an #ImportantRole in #InuitCultures ; this needs to be #respected & #amplified the same way other #Canadian perspectives are. Though Inuit have their own governing bodies and policies, they are still affected by federal decision making.
#inuit #knowledge #understanding #weatherpatterns #seasonalchanges #importantrole #inuitcultures #respected #Amplified #canadian #indigenous #firstnations #canada #inuk #firstpeoples
Each year, somewhere between December and mid-January, the skies of South Africa’s Gauteng province fill with small white butterflies.
Some land in people’s gardens, allowing a closer look at the thin brown markings on their wings.
Their annual migration takes between 80,000 and 155,000 butterflies per hour from South Africa’s Kalahari region to Mozambique.
#butterflies #weatherpatterns #climatechange #migration