Gizmodo: AI Systems Could Help Us Speed Up Extreme Weather Forecasting, Studies Show #numericalweatherprediction #statisticalforecasting #solarpowerforecasting #weatherforecasting #weatherprediction #disasteraccident #atmosphericmodel #broadcasting #forecasting #meteorology #environment #nowcasting #deepmind #weather #tianqi #huawei #news
#numericalweatherprediction #statisticalforecasting #solarpowerforecasting #weatherforecasting #weatherprediction #disasteraccident #atmosphericmodel #broadcasting #forecasting #meteorology #environment #nowcasting #deepmind #weather #tianqi #huawei #news
Flood Guidance Statement [modeling & mapping, UK]
-- <-- shared article
#GIS #spatial #model #weather #weatherprediction #visualisation #model #modeling #information #firstresponders #firstresponder #emergencyresponse #emergencypreparedness #emergencymanagement #planning #preperation #information #dissemination #water #climate #climatechange #flood #flooding #environment #data #civil #team #event #events #publicsafety #preparedness #rainfall #predication #coastal #groundwater #surfacewater #England #Wales #county #probability #probabilities #responders #gischat
#gis #spatial #model #weather #weatherprediction #visualisation #modeling #information #firstresponders #firstresponder #emergencyresponse #emergencypreparedness #emergencymanagement #planning #preperation #dissemination #water #climate #climatechange #flood #flooding #Environment #data #civil #team #event #events #publicsafety #preparedness #rainfall #predication #coastal #groundwater #surfacewater #england #Wales #county #probability #probabilities #responders #gischat
reading my mystical weather divination cards and i am hopeful for rain tonight & the next few days!
#fingerscrossed #weatherprediction #portents
#SabineHossenfelder - How #Chaos Control Is Changing The World
#Science #Physics #Math #Maths #Mathematics #ChaosTheory #ChaosControl #Pertutbation #Perturbations #PerturbationTheory #Statistics #Predictability #Probability #MachineLearning #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Astronomy #Astrophysics #OrbitalMechanics #SolarSystem #Lorenz #EdwardLorenz #Weather #WeatherPrediction #WeatherForecasting #LorenzModel #AdaptiveSystems
#adaptivesystems #lorenzmodel #weatherforecasting #weatherprediction #weather #edwardlorenz #lorenz #solarsystem #orbitalmechanics #astrophysics #astronomy #artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #probability #predictability #statistics #perturbationtheory #perturbations #pertutbation #chaoscontrol #chaostheory #mathematics #maths #math #physics #science #chaos #sabinehossenfelder
Cool to listen to some talks yesterday at #ICHEC #HiCoDES2022 about how Irish researchers use #HPC in their work (even if most of it went way over my head)
Totally bummed out to be missing some of the talks this afternoon, especially about #WeatherPrediction 😷
#ichec #hicodes2022 #hpc #weatherprediction
Hi I'm Pascal 👋
I'm here to have a great time and to keep up with the cool stuff!
I currently work on Cloud and I/O stuff. I'm interested in #distributedsystems #hpc #cloud #C++ #scala #python #raytracers and #security.
I'm also #rust curios and wrote a simple ray tracer 7 years ago.
I previously worked on a #homekit project. Earlier I was also involved in #weatherprediction at MeteoSwiss.
I like to go outside with our #dog, #running or #hiking, #cycle and go #splitboarding.
#introduction #distributedsystems #hpc #cloud #c #scala #python #raytracers #security #rust #HomeKit #weatherprediction #dog #running #hiking #cycle #splitboarding