In #Web1 you proved your #identity with #DNS.
In #Web2 you proved your identity with someone else's DNS (i.e. #Facebook, #Google, #Twitter) #OAuth
In the #Fediverse you prove your identity with OAuth on someone else's DNS, just like Web1 and Web2.
In #Web3 you prove your identity with #cryptography, and you don't need anyone's DNS.
#cryptography #Web3 #Fediverse #oauth #Twitter #Google #facebook #web2 #dns #identity #web1
I’m sorry, but all that cryptocurrency/pseudo-DeFi shit didn’t sustain long enough to deserve the title #Web3. It is all drowning slowly in a pit of its own bullshit.
IMHO, what will be seen historically as the 3rd major trend in how the web operates is the ongoing retreat from broad openness. Once upon a time, the Web used HTML and the dominant coding style emphasized readability by humans. After the corporatization & consolidation of #web2 that had to be ‘fixed’ and we are seeing it now.
Arbitrum Developer Courts Coders Who Already Know WebAssembly-Compatible Languages - The new feature "Arbitrum Stylus" will make it easy to write smart contracts using comput... - #ethereumvirtualmachine #webassembly #technology #arbitrum #news #web2 #web3 #rust #evm
#evm #rust #web3 #web2 #news #arbitrum #technology #webassembly #ethereumvirtualmachine
The dear community, I need #nostr folks help . I take part in a competition with article that demistify #web2 #web3 #web5 #ssi #identity #aiagents . I need a votes . BTW #yakihonne is an awesome platform for long-form content
#nostr #web2 #web3 #Web5 #ssi #identity #aiagents #yakihonne Pre-Web, #Web1, #Web2, #Web3 , #Web5 , #Web7 and all hundreds of #future #WebX explained in 12 Toots #ssi #ai #aiagents
#web1 #web2 #web3 #Web5 #web7 #future #webx #ssi #ai #aiagents
@zaphodias there's also #dfinity they've been serving #web2 requests from a blockchain for a while now!
@VampoKrol Если преобразовать этот mp4-файл (2,4 с, 340 кБ) обратно в GIF (24 кадра), то получится файл весом в 6,0 МБ. А есть какой-н. сервис, который переводит гифки, преобразованные в видеоролик, обратно в гифку, не делая её в пятнадцать раз тяжелее? #вопрос #GIFs #GIFtomp4 #mp4toGIF #GIFtomp4toGIF #web2
#вопрос #gifs #giftomp4 #mp4togif #giftomp4togif #web2
"I don't want to sign up for *another* site that all the people I follow have to sign up for."
They don't you n0ob! the same way that not everyone has to sign up for Gmail for you to send them emails with it.
This is how the Internet *used* to work before #web2. I can't believe big-tech brainwashed everyone.
#TheVerge has been killing it recently. Great article and worth a read:
#Tech #AI #SocialMedia #web2 #web1 #Internet #theverge
Wired: Rising Interest Rates Might Herald the End of the Open Internet #SiliconValley #Finance #twitter #reddit #web2.0 #Ideas
#siliconvalley #finance #twitter #reddit #web2 #ideas
谷歌、臉書當道,問責的主體不易上綱到最上層:北科學生營隊工作人員嫌飯吃不飽留負評,後來網路撻伐。真正道歉的,是營隊總召兼會長,其實系主任道歉都有點多餘。況且前者也說,事與校方無關,聰明緊急設防火牆。代表 #web2.0 時代,已形成「一人做事一人當」的風氣,就風險管理的時效性來說,web2.0 末期,高層可能恐將淪為虛設的角色。
"Twitter 2.0 would just be the story of another corporate failure if not for the current state of the internet. After the first generation of the world wide web was built on open protocols such as email and web browsing, we were lured into web 2.0’s closed gardens because they were easy to use, powerful and promised a commitment to host and tend to the public square. So we made them our homes and built our lives around them. Now they’re locking the garden gates, we’ve got nowhere to go."
Well, they could go to Mastodon... Hopefully Twitter embeds in news articles will soon start being replaced by Mastodon embeds in news articles.
Elon Musk’s Twitter is in terminal decline and there’s nowhere left to go. #Web2 #Twitter #OpenProtocols #Internet #LockedGate #Paywall
#web2 #twitter #openprotocols #internet #lockedgate #paywall
It feels timely today to repost something I wrote almost a decade ago:
How Web 2.0 killed the Internet
#web2 #PeopleFarming #SurveillanceCapitalism #open #apis #openWashing #developers #web #dev #google #facebook #twitter #SiliconValley #BigTech
#web2 #peoplefarming #surveillancecapitalism #open #apis #openwashing #developers #web #dev #google #facebook #twitter #siliconvalley #bigtech
I'm trying my best to be reasonable here, and not rush ahead as things are still developing, but DAMN am I glad to see so many websites burning down
#fediverse #web2 #mastodon #kbin #lemmy
Wired: How to Download Your Reddit Data #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Gear/HowToandAdvice #communities #SafeKeeping #software #reddit #web2.0 #Gear #api
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #gear #communities #safekeeping #software #reddit #web2 #api
Is #Web2.0 on its way out? (One can only hope) The trend is towards increased proprietization. Are there enough unenlightened millennials to keep Corporate Net going? #internet #corporate #socialmedia #reddit
#web2 #internet #corporate #socialmedia #reddit
From this point on I will be referring to #Web2 #socialMedia corpos as #normieMedia
#Fediverse #normiemedia #socialmedia #web2