Did a hackaton at work yesterday to see if emmett.sh might replace #py4web and #web2py. It really looks interesting as another modern take on web development. Our main requirements are auto-generated forms and grids (for quick development of crud apps), continued development, pydal support (since we use that a lot) and a low barrier to entry for interns to start coding.
Anyone with hands on experience who's willing to share lessons learnt?
#py4web #web2py #emmetsh #python #webframework
Thanks for sharing. I've been using fullstack python for over 2 decades and love every bit of it. I find navigating the labyrinth of frameworks quite a tedious job, but always well worth the effort.
Using #web2py and friends hasn't been a bad choice for me so far. For production I now mostly use #docker via docker-compose and a few general automated python scripts. Even getting a server prepped is pure python. That's one thing i like about the language: so very versatile.
#Python #Frameworks #Libraries #numpy #tensorflow #theano #pandas #pytorch #keras #matplotlib #scipy #seaborn #django #flask #bottle #cherrypy #pyramid #web2py #turboGears #cubic #dash #falcon #pyunit #behave #splinter #robot #pytest #opencv #mahotas #pgmagick #simpletk $scikit #arcade #pyglet #pyopengl #pygame #panda3d #lxml #requests #selenium #scrapy #code #developing #programming #coding
#python #frameworks #libraries #numpy #tensorflow #Theano #pandas #pytorch #keras #matplotlib #scipy #seaborn #django #flask #bottle #cherrypy #pyramid #web2py #turbogears #cubic #dash #falcon #pyunit #behave #splinter #robot #pytest #opencv #mahotas #pgmagick #simpletk #arcade #pyglet #pyopengl #pygame #panda3d #lxml #requests #selenium #scrapy #code #developing #programming #coding
Ah nice! I've used #web2py for many years and still do until #py4web comes out of puberty. It's useful as it is, but I'm so much more proficient with smart grids in web2py and the docs are way better. And I have to admit that extracting #pydal onto it's own package was a blessing!