@Wild @FinchHaven @princesaballena @MrBerard @gwensnyder

I.T. people aren't into just yet /snark

The in leaving behind

Encourage your & critters to on !

One way to do this is to link them to the list of who have already made the jump so they can directly engage with said followers / followed, imo. iF there was an like export function of on like file format defined protocol where the followers and followed could be easily import/exported IN THE WEB CLIENT, this will accelerate adoption greatly imo.

I have a weekly outreach campaign on to encourage the adoption of tech and ask them, jokingly, 'When will the get you on ? Go ! #📰 ' 🤓👨‍🏫👩‍🏫👨‍🏫👩‍🏫🤓

#web3 #mastodon #tippingpoint #toxicsocialmediaonepointoh #continues #house #senate #participate #journalists #opml #followers #RFE #rss2 #twitter #decentralized #fediverse #intern #rtdna #news #web3outreach #media

Last updated 2 years ago