You're invited to our #Adobe Developers Live: Composable Experiences virtual conference Next Tuesday May 23rd, and I'll have the pleasure to briefly explain why we think the Web Platform is Back, in the opening keynote. #webplatform
Everyone has JavaScript, right? Well, maybe not, or not always - #webplatform #javascript
Slides of my Web Platform talk of today 4pm at #verytechtrip are available at - come in for the Real Thing, but it's a full house already apparently. It's an introductory talk, so no rocket science in there! #webplatform
If French strikes let me through I'll be at #verytechtrip in Paris this Thursday to present on the Web Platform. Is it really good enough now to forget about Web App Frameworks? In many cases I think the answer is yes. - #webplatform #webcomponents
#VeryTechTrip #webPlatform #webcomponents
#blog the Web Platform is Back! - I'm hoping to make this the first of a series on the topic of going back to simplicity and avoiding extra baggage in websites and Web applications. #webplatform
Did you know you can cancel an event listener with AbortController?
I’m a #webdev from #newjersey currently working for #yougov on their #brandindex product. I’m a big fan of #testing and #typescript. I’m always trying to learn more about #systemdesign and #softwarearchitecture
Some other hashtags im interested in: #javascript #css #webPlatform #sasscss #sass #testinglibrary #reactjs #react
#introduction #webdev #newjersey #yougov #brandindex #testing #typescript #systemdesign #softwarearchitecture #javascript #css #webPlatform #sasscss #sass #testinglibrary #reactjs #react
#KaiOS (a #FirefoxOS fork) partnering with #Mozilla to bring and keep the #Gecko engine up to date!
#kaios #firefoxos #mozilla #gecko #pwa #webPlatform #web