since #zotero doesn't support HTML annotation yet I was wondering if there is a #Firefox Add-on that allows for annotations of locally stored html pages and provides a way to export the annotations, e.g. in a format thats compatible with the #w3c standards for web annotation. I'd be surprised if there was no such thing. I'm not looking for a web based service (like hypothesis), I'd prefer a solution that's entirely client-side.
#zotero #firefox #w3c #webannotation
Better late than never. Rob Sanderson, Senior Director for Digital Cultural Heritage at Yale University. Ex-pat from Aotearoa New Zealand, via England, New Mexico and California.
Partly to blame for #IIIF, #LOUD, #LinkedArt, #WebAnnotation, #Memento, #JSONLD, #LDP and other standards/products, esp at the intersection of CH and LOD.
Current main work project is a cross-museum/archive/library discovery platform built on LOD at Yale called LUX.
#introduction #iiif #loud #LinkedArt #webannotation #memento #jsonld #ldp