Simple C Program in WebAssembly – Other languages can offer advantages in performance, security, simplicity, or just cause of existing code.
Read it here, follow me and let me know what you think about it:
#WebAssembly #wasm #javascript #html #browser #Webdev #Webdeveloper #web #webapp #webapplication #webapplications #programming #coding #software #technology
#webassembly #wasm #javascript #html #browser #webdev #webdeveloper #web #webapp #webapplication #webapplications #programming #coding #software #technology
Adaptability ways out lives for new hope, and overcomes the unique challenges of web app project development.
#nodejs #npm #VisualStudio #appsdk #sdk #webapp #firebase #cli #firebasehosting #google #hosting #website #websitedevelopment #websitedesign #seosiri #momenulahmad
#nodejs #npm #visualstudio #appsdk #sdk #webapp #firebase #cli #firebasehosting #Google #hosting #website #websitedevelopment #websitedesign #seosiri #momenulahmad
@jalefkowit A good #WebApp is characterized by its compliance with the relevant standards (W3C, IETF), not whether it runs in a specific browser.
Replacing browser brand 1 with browser brand 2 does not help.
I caught some of that Astro 3.0 hype-train today and gave it a try.
I like it.
Then I opened a up a 3-year-old #webapp repo where I wrote index.html files without any build step or framework and this baby will run in browsers for decades to come.
I like it better.
I've got a PHP website with a PostreSQL backend. It's entirely read-only in production, and its largest table has about 10,000 rows. Postgres, PHP, and a Caddy proxy all run in separate Docker containers.
Is it crazy to think that a simple system like this would run just fine with SQLite instead? In the longer term I’d like to move the whole thing to running with the Django Rest Framework and rework the front-end bit entirely.
#php #postgresql #sqlite #database #webapp
Genial: Wenn man sich mit #nativefier unter #linux aus einer beliebigen #website eine #webapp erzeugen lässt, kann man im Unterverzeichnis /resources/app/inject der #app sogar einfach eigene #css und #javascript Dateien hinzufügen, die dann automatisch eingebunden werden! 😍🥂
Das #opensource #tool ist via #npm oder #snap schnell und unkompliziert startklar 😎:
#nativefier #linux #website #webapp #app #css #javascript #opensource #tool #npm #snap
"Zugriff auf das Bankkonto nur zur Identifizierung", sagt Bonify alias die SCHUFA. "Das ist Quatsch!", sage ich.
In meinem Blog-Artikel erfährst du gute Gründe, warum du die überarbeite SCHUFA Web-App von Bonify nicht nutzen solltest!
#datenschutz #schufa #bonify #webapp #itsicherheit #tracking #verbraucherschutz #dsgvo #teufelswerk #bankkontodaten #cookies
#datenschutz #schufa #bonify #webapp #itsicherheit #tracking #verbraucherschutz #dsgvo #teufelswerk #bankkontodaten #cookies
To prepare for my next article about memory in WebAssembly, I wrote an new article about:
JavaScript and bytes - Communication with the outer world. To have control over memory and data types.
Read it here, follow me and let me know what you think about it:
#WebAssembly #javascript #html #browser #Webdev #Webdeveloper #web #webapp #webapplication #webapplications #programming #coding #software #technology
#webassembly #javascript #html #browser #webdev #webdeveloper #web #webapp #webapplication #webapplications #programming #coding #software #technology
Full steam ahead! #installicious #pwa #webapp #webinstallapi
#installicious #pwa #webapp #webinstallapi
My @thunderbird eats 600MB of RAM and I really don't like it. #thunderbird #webapp
Betanews: Google launches new service to eliminate virtual desktops #WindowsVirtualDesktrop #ChromeOS #Article #Google #WebApp #Cloud
#windowsvirtualdesktrop #chromeos #article #google #webapp #cloud
Absolutely loving the Magic ToDo list powered by #ai at ! Created by @chton it gets me over that "I can't even start to make a list because there are so many steps to one single task" paralysis. #adhd #webapp #adhdtools #coping #tools #ADHDLife #ADHDer #adhdaf #todolist #appsandsites #apps
#ai #adhd #webapp #adhdtools #coping #tools #ADHDLife #ADHDer #adhdaf #todolist #appsandsites #apps
NJATMDB: Kinda like TMDB...just prettier
I learn by creating. So I learned Svelte / SvelteKit by making this extensive webapp! I think it is kind of amazingly beautiful myself! Check it out!
"Not Just Another TMDB" is a dynamic movie database application that brings movies, TV shows, and celebrities to your fingertips, built using SvelteKit and Vite and empowered by the TMDB API.
#webapp #appdev #programming #svelte #sveltekit #javascript
another great #WebApp:
You can create and customize #ASCII art in your browser! Even film and 3D is possible.
Update on a draft that includes some fixes to address feedback from developers about the Web Install API: . As usual, any comments, or feedback feel free to create an issue here: #webinstallapi #pwa #webapp
I really don't love the idea of billion dependencies just to deploy a simple little #typescript #webapp. I also don't like barely understanding #webpack, and would prefer to get away with using nothing at all. A fun little research project for day. 😀
This week I learned how to create web applications with #streamlit.
My first app is a hat tip to Omar Wagih's 'Guess The Correlation' site: #python #webapp #datascience #TIL
#streamlit #python #webapp #datascience #til
Anyone with experience in creating web applications with ArrowJS? If so: What do you use it for, what are the upsides and what are the downsides?
#JavaScript #ArrowJS #development #web #webdevelopment #webapp
#javascript #arrowjs #development #web #webdevelopment #webapp