@ricci #firefox multi-account containers and #linuxmint #webapps is great for browser isolation. Webapps basically creates a dedicated browser profile for a specific site and registers it in your app menu as a separate app. E.g. I have dedicated apps for #jira (with a blue theme) or #youtube and #slack. Check it out on https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-create-a-web-app-in-linux-mint/
#firefox #linuxmint #webapps #jira #youtube #slack
🎬 For #w3cTPAC, @tidoust demoes how web technologies such as #WebCodecs, #WebGPU, #WebRTC, #Streams, etc. create a very powerful platform to process video frames in real-time.
Slides and transcript avail. at https://w3.org/2023/09/TPAC/demos/video-processing.html
Also on @w3c's YT: https://youtu.be/bEP5VrMtGaE
📗 For in-depth insight, read the 2-part article that explores how #WebApps can build processing media pipelines, by @tidoust and @dontcallmeDOM https://webrtchacks.com/video-frame-processing-on-the-web-webassembly-webgpu-webgl-webcodecs-webnn-and-webtransport/
#w3ctpac #webcodecs #webgpu #webrtc #streams #webapps
Other @w3c events in Sept. 2023:
- 26-28 Sept.: #W3CWorkshop "Secure the Web Forward". It will bring together experts in standards and best practices needed to secure #WebApps #security #developers
- 27 Sept.: Bill Kasdorf, W3C Global Publishing Evangelist, will join others in a panel "#AI: Revolution and Opportunity in Trade Publishing" held as part of the Publishers Weekly online conference
#w3cworkshop #webapps #security #developers #ai
@rstats Btw the code is all open source here: https://github.com/ppml/tabby2
Using modules in Shiny (see https://mastering-shiny.org/scaling-modules.html, https://shiny.posit.co/r/articles/improve/modules/) made our lives quite a bit easier developing this app, so I highly recommend learning about them! #shiny #rstats #WebApps
#MetaGPT #framework can build #webapps with #textprompts, #nocoding needed. Just describe what you want in #naturallanguage and it uses #LLMs and #SOPs to coordinate multiple #agents with different #roles and tasks. #AI #GPT #metaprogramming #opensource
#metagpt #framework #webapps #textprompts #nocoding #naturallanguage #LLMs #sops #agents #roles #AI #gpt #metaprogramming #opensource
Falls es bei euch mal brennt und ihr ein wichtiges Projekt nachhaltig und gut betreut über die Bühne bringen möchtet. Wir kennen Leute die genau das können. Nähere Informationen rund um unsere Leistungen erfahrt ihr jederzeit hier: www.codappix.com ✅. Bis dahin - Macht euch ein schönes Wochenende 😀. #TYPO3 #PHP #opensource #laravel #coding #website #WebApps #agency #TeamCodappix #digital #CoffeeDrivenDevelopment
#ServerHosting #symfony
#typo3 #php #opensource #laravel #coding #website #webapps #agency #teamcodappix #digital #coffeedrivendevelopment #serverhosting #symfony
Wow. Markwhen's grown up a fair bit since I last tried it.
If you need something for producing timelines/maps/calendars (project planning, logging personal milestones, etc) see Markwhen | https://markwhen.com/
Neben der reinen Arbeit mit Nullen und Einsen leben wir natürlich vom Austausch im #Projektmanagement 🗣. Wie steht ihr zu agilem Projektmanagement❓ #TYPO3 #PHP #opensource #laravel #coding #website #WebApps #symfony #mönchengladbach #wallstreet
#projektmanagement #typo3 #php #opensource #laravel #coding #website #webapps #symfony #monchengladbach #wallstreet
Nächstes Jahr (so u.a. die Behauptung in z.B. https://www.howtogeek.com/898753/the-new-outlook-for-windows-will-arrive-for-everyone-in-2024/ ) soll dieses neue #Outlook wohl auch die #Mail- und #Kalender-Apps aus dem #MicrosoftStore ersetzen und zudem auch #vorinstalliert werden in #Windows11. #Microsoft schließt also endlich das leidige Kapitel der doppelten #Office- und #Store-Apps und ersetzt alles durch #Webapps. Bei #OneNote waren sie damit ja wieder zurückgerollt und haben das Office-OneNote wieder zum Standard gemacht (aber idiotischerweise nur für Windows).
#outlook #mail #kalender #microsoftstore #vorinstalliert #windows11 #microsoft #office #store #webapps #onenote
Wer bei uns Aufträge unterschreibt, muss weniger mit Waschmaschinen, als mit zielstrebigen, datenschutzkonformen und vor allem nachhaltig konzipierten Projekten rechnen 🖥. Humor ist, wenn man trotzdem lacht 😅. #TYPO3 #PHP #opensource #laravel #coding #website #WebApps #agency #TeamCodappix
#typo3 #php #opensource #laravel #coding #website #webapps #agency #teamcodappix
Du hast bislang nicht die perfekte Lösung für dein Projekt gefunden❓ Gerne unterstützen wir dich mit effizienten und nachhaltigen Ansätzen rund um #TYPO3 #PHP #opensource #laravel #coding #website #WebApps #ServerHosting #symfony 🖥.
#typo3 #php #opensource #laravel #coding #website #webapps #serverhosting #symfony
I'm trying to move away from Brave (because of the Everything; I have been using Brave+Firefox for years), but holy hell, turns out Chromium is really hard to live without... Why are the profiles in Firefox so unusable?? Why did they kill webapp support!? Ungoogled-Chromium here I come... once I get it set up...
#BrowserWars #Browsers #Firefox #Mozilla #BraveBrowser #Chromium #DeGoogle #UnGoogledChromium #WebApps #HellOnline #ThankingTheGodsOfOpenSourceForLinux
#ungoogledchromium #browserwars #browsers #firefox #mozilla #bravebrowser #chromium #degoogle #webapps #hellonline #thankingthegodsofopensourceforlinux
Updating my #introduction post because I feel like I'm going to be here a while ☺️
Quickly, first up all of my content (especially the AI generated stuff) that I put up on Mastodon will be covered by CC BY-SA #CCBYSA. Basically, you can use and remix my stuff but you gotta let others do the same to whatever you create with the original. Also, please link me in and show me what you did!
Secondly, all my posts are scheduled to be deleted after 3 months to help the storage costs of the admin so if you like something make sure you delete it before it's gone!
And for the actual introduction; I am a #Programmer doing #SoftwareDevelopment and building #WebApps in #Sydney. I love to play #BoardGames, and I DM some #DnD and other #TTRPG games like #Pathfinder, #StarsWithoutNumbers, and #SavageWorlds when I can. I like to try my hand at #Writing stuff on the odd occasion. I also am getting into #AiArt and #3DPrinting
#introduction #ccbysa #programmer #softwaredevelopment #webapps #sydney #boardgames #dnd #ttrpg #pathfinder #starswithoutnumbers #savageworlds #writing #aiart #3dprinting
Features like *file handling*, *protocol handling*, *window controls overlay*, *run on OS login*, *share target* are **exclusive** to installed apps. (#PWA, #webapps, call them what you may). Elevate the quality of what6 you are giving to your users by adding a service worker to handle offline scenarios and proper manifest file.
Today is 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲 ♟. Gerade in unserem Job als #Coder sollte jede Aktion stark durchdacht sein. Ein falscher Zug zu Anfang kann böse Folgen zum Ende haben 🙏🏼. Aber das wisst ihr ja mit Sicherheit 😅. #TYPO3 #PHP #opensource #laravel #coding #website #WebApps #agency #TeamCodappix #digital #CoffeeDrivenDevelopment #ServerHosting #symfony #Chessday
#coder #typo3 #php #opensource #laravel #coding #website #webapps #agency #teamcodappix #digital #coffeedrivendevelopment #serverhosting #symfony #chessday
#Chrome für #iOS: #Google führt Web-Apps ein | Mac & i https://www.heise.de/news/Chrome-fuer-iOS-Google-fuehrt-Web-Apps-ein-9218375.html #WebApp #WebApps #Webbrowser #Browser #Chrome Browser #GoogleChrome
#chrome #ios #google #webapp #webapps #webbrowser #browser #googlechrome
Safari Technology Preview 174 mit neuen Funktionen und Bugfixes
Apple hat die neueste Version von Safari Technology Preview veröffe
#iPad #iPhone #Mac #News #Accessibility #CSS #CSSContainerQueries #FeatureFlags #HEIC #Javascript #JPEGXL #Layout #LiveText #MacOSSonoma #Media #Popover #PrivaterModus #Profiles #RedesignedDevelopMenu #Safari17 #SafariTechnologyPreview #SVG #WebAPI #WebApps
#iPad #iphone #Mac #News #accessibility #css #csscontainerqueries #featureflags #heic #javascript #jpegxl #layout #livetext #macossonoma #Media #popover #privatermodus #profiles #redesigneddevelopmenu #safari17 #safaritechnologypreview #svg #webapi #webapps
It would be nice if we had an API like this for webapps installed to the homescreen. See: https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/issues/92