📆This #WebArchiveWednesday marks just over one month before the CfP for #iipcWAC24 closes. Start thinking about your submission today!
📢CfP: #WebArchives in Context📢
🟣#iipcWAC24 24-26 APR 2024
🖥 #WebArchiving 🎉#iipc20years
💾#DigitalPreservation 📖#DigitalHumanities
#digitalhumanities #digitalpreservation #iipc20years #webarchiving #webarchives #iipcwac24 #webarchivewednesday
[#veille #archives] Fin des skyblogs : pour la #BNF et l’#INA, la course à l’#archivage
#archivesduweb #skyblog #webarchives #blog #Internet #pagesperso #annees2000
#annees2000 #pagesperso #internet #blog #webarchives #skyblog #archivesduweb #archivage #ina #bnf #archives #veille
[#veille #archives] Fin des skyblogs : pour la #BNF et l’#INA, la course à l’#archivage
#archivesduweb #skyblog #webarchives #blog #Internet #pagesperso
#pagesperso #internet #blog #webarchives #skyblog #archivesduweb #archivage #ina #bnf #archives #veille
🎥#iipcWAC23 #iipc20Years recordings are now available to view!
🔵Check out the full list here on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@iipc8855/playlists?view=50&shelf_id=1
🔵Browse the final #iipcWAC23 program: https://netpreserve.org/ga2023/programme/wac/
🙌Thank you to all of our wonderful #iipcWAC23 presenters, session chairs, & co-authors for sharing their work with us!
#webarchivering #webarchiving #webarchives #iipc20years #IIPCWAC23
📢CfP: #WebArchives in Context📢
🟣#iipcWAC24 24-26 APR 2024
🖥 #WebArchiving 🎉#iipc20years
💾#DigitalPreservation 📖#DigitalHumanities
Thanks very much to our Program Committee for their work in putting this CfP together! (https://netpreserve.org/ga2024/organization)
#digitalhumanities #digitalpreservation #iipc20years #webarchiving #iipcwac24 #webarchives
“The Use of Web Archives in Disinformation Research” by Michele Weigle
How have #webarchives been used to investigate changes to webpages?
How have web archives been used to study archived social media including deleted content?
How have web #archives been used to study known #disinformation that has been archived?
#webarchivewednesday #disinformation #archives #webarchives
しんわCM ほしのあき 2006 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1757847/gravure-idols/
#aesthetic #webarchives #ほしのあき #懐かcm #未出・迷宮入りcm
📣 The #webarchives section of the #GLAMWorkbench has been updated to include the UK Government Web Archive! Big thanks to Jake Bickford (TNA) for doing all the work!
This means you can use the notebooks for research in the UKGWA – harvesting collections of text, comparing screenshots, examining how pages change over time, or finding when a piece of text first appears on a page.
#webarchives #glamworkbench #glam #histodons
And now we have bigrams and trigrams. It is a big corpus, so it took me some time to figure out how to develop a loop that didn’t require 230GB of RAM. This is a simple test of the Premier’s name in our Sask COVID Twitter corpus. Something interesting happened during the Ottawa occupation. #DigitalHumanities #WebArchives
#digitalhumanities #webarchives
RT @figoblog
[Figoblog] Un petit avant goût de la séquence "clôture du projet ResPaDon" de mars-avril : archiver le web pour les chercheurs, mode d'emploi : http://figoblog.org/2023/02/24/archiv...
#archivesweb #webarchives @DLwebBnF @inadlweb @medialab_ScPo @internetarchive
...but seems like I'm missing something as surely #WebArchiving folks have already written about the ethical implications of allowing Googlebot into your WARCs? #DigiPres #WebArchives
#webarchives #digipres #webarchiving
Helena Byrne starts off with different ways to use #WebArchives in research: as a reference resource, as point of study, as a preservation tool. #DHNB2023
📢Nominations for the 4th crawl for the #iipcCDG collection #WebArchiving the War in Ukraine close on March 12: https://bit.ly/Ukraine-2022-collection-public-nominations.
🔍View part of the current collection here: https://archive-it.org/collections/19572
Special thanks to the collection co-curators, Vladimir Tybin & Anaïs Crinière-Boizet of the National Library of France and Kees Teszelsky of KB, National Library of the Netherlands for their work on this collection.
#WebArchiveWednesday #WebArchives
#webarchives #webarchivewednesday #webarchiving #iipcCDG
Un petit avant goût de la séquence "clôture du projet ResPaDon" de mars-avril : archiver le web pour les chercheurs, mode d'emploi.
Sur Figoblog => https://figoblog.org/2023/02/24/archiver-le-web-pour-les-chercheurs-mode-demploi/
(Ecrit en 1h chrono donc si vous apercevez des erreurs ou des approximations, dites-le moi !)
📣Registration is now OPEN for our #WebArchiving Conference co-hosted in Hilversum by
the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision & KB, National Library of the Netherlands!
🔵IN-PERSON 10-12 May 2023
🔵ONLINE 3 May 2023
🔵#iipcWAC23 #iipcGA23 #iipc20Years
#webarchivering #webarchives #webarchivewednesday #iipc20years #iipcga23 #IIPCWAC23 #webarchiving
Vorankündigung einer Podiumskussion, die wir im Rahmen der #bibliocon23 Ende Mai in #Hannover anbieten, genauer Zeitpunkt folgt in Kürze:
"Neue Akteure und dezentrale Strategien für die digitale Bewahrung von Kulturgut! - Was wir von #SUCHO lernen können"
Sebastian Majstorovic (@storytracer) Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Gudrun Wirtz (@GudrunWirtz), Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Moderiert von @Lambo
#bibliocon23 #hannover #SUCHO #webarchives #decentralized #ukraine #culturalheritage
Thank you to Beatrice Cannelli from the School of Advanced Studies for a great webinar last week on #WebArchiving Social Media! Thanks also to Helena Byrne from the British Library for leading an excellent Q&A!
📺Watch the recording here: https://youtu.be/nIDlDSTnWk0
#digitalpreservation #webarchives #webarchiving
Library of Congress Opens New Web #Archive Collection Documenting #Protests Against #Racism & Learn About LC's Black History Month Programs https://www.infodocket.com/2023/02/01/library-of-congress-opens-new-web-archive-collection-documenting-protests-against-racism-learn-about-black-history-month-programs/ #libraries #BHM #webarchives
#archive #protests #Racism #libraries #bhm #webarchives
Web Archives – L’extension qui vous permet de remonter dans le temps sur le web ! https://korben.info/web-archives.html #waybackmachin #Navigateurs #webarchives #extension #firefox #chrome #safari
#waybackmachin #navigateurs #webarchives #extension #firefox #chrome #safari
This #WebArchiveWednesday, meet our 2023 Officers:
CHAIR Youssef Eldakar from Bibliotheca Alexandrina
VICE-CHAIR Jeffrey van der Hoeven
from KB National Library of the Netherlands
TREASURER Ian Cooke from the British Library
THANK YOU to Kristinn Sigurðsson from Landsbókasafn & Abbie Grotke from Library of Congress for their leadership in 2021 & 2022!
Learn more here:
#webarchives #webarchiving #webarchivewednesday