📆This #WebArchiveWednesday marks just over one month before the CfP for #iipcWAC24 closes. Start thinking about your submission today!
📢CfP: #WebArchives in Context📢
🟣#iipcWAC24 24-26 APR 2024
🖥 #WebArchiving 🎉#iipc20years
💾#DigitalPreservation 📖#DigitalHumanities
#digitalhumanities #digitalpreservation #iipc20years #webarchiving #webarchives #iipcwac24 #webarchivewednesday
🎉This #WebArchiveWednesday, we’re celebrating #iipc20Years since the first Consortium Agreement was signed by our 12 founding members, recognizing the significance of international collaboration in preserving internet content for future generations. https://bit.ly/iipc2004
#iipc20years #webarchivewednesday
“The Use of Web Archives in Disinformation Research” by Michele Weigle
How have #webarchives been used to investigate changes to webpages?
How have web archives been used to study archived social media including deleted content?
How have web #archives been used to study known #disinformation that has been archived?
#webarchivewednesday #disinformation #archives #webarchives
UK Web Archive Technical Update - Summer 2023 - UK Web Archive blog #WebArchiving #WebArchiveWednesday https://blogs.bl.uk/webarchive/2023/07/ukwebarchivetechnicalupdate-summer2023.html
#webarchivewednesday #webarchiving
A quick update on WACZ, new tools and integration and glimpse of path ahead:
#webarchiving #webarchivewednesday
📆Our 3 May #IIPCWAC23 #IIPC20Years Online Day is tomorrow! There's still time to sign up for this online #WebArchiveWednesday #webarchiving event.
➡Sign up here: https://netpreserve.org/ga2023/registration/
#webarchiving #webarchivewednesday #iipc20years #IIPCWAC23
RT @NLAPandora
This #WebArchiveWednesday we have just completed another .au domain harvest. Working with @internetarchive this year we have collected more than 1.8 billion documents (140 TBs of data) for the Australian #webarchive. Accessible through @TroveAustralia https://webarchive.nla.gov.au/collection?q=
#webarchivewednesday #webarchive
RT @phonedude_mln
Seems like a good opportunity to showcase the @waybackmachine's diff tool:
(animated diff via @lesley_elis would be great!) https://twitter.com/davidgura/status/1643607181395197959
🎉This #WebArchiveWednesday, we’re celebrating 20 Years of #WARP at the National Diet Library (NDL), Japan!
Learn more about the #WebArchiving Project in this blog post by NDL's SHIMURA Tsutomu:
#ndl #webarchiving #warp #webarchivewednesday
This #WebArchiveWednesday, get the latest updates on the #iipcCDG #WebArchiving the War in Ukraine collection in a new blog post by co-curators
Vladimir Tybin & Anaïs Crinière-Boizet of the National Library of France and Kees Teszelsky of KB, National Library of the Netherlands:
#webarchiving #iipcCDG #webarchivewednesday
We are excited to announce that we are completely booked out for the in-person #iipcWAC23 held at the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision and co-hosted by KB, National Library of the Netherlands!
Please email us at events (@) netpreserve.org if you would like to be added to our waitlist.
There is plenty of space on our #iipcWAC23 May 3 online day of activities, so be sure to check it out!
Register here: https://netpreserve.org/ga2023/registration/
#webarchivewednesday #webarchivering #webarchiving #IIPCWAC23
📢Nominations for the 4th crawl for the #iipcCDG collection #WebArchiving the War in Ukraine close on March 12: https://bit.ly/Ukraine-2022-collection-public-nominations.
🔍View part of the current collection here: https://archive-it.org/collections/19572
Special thanks to the collection co-curators, Vladimir Tybin & Anaïs Crinière-Boizet of the National Library of France and Kees Teszelsky of KB, National Library of the Netherlands for their work on this collection.
#WebArchiveWednesday #WebArchives
#webarchives #webarchivewednesday #webarchiving #iipcCDG
Our latest work focuses on finding changes in webpages over time and showing the changes via an animation. We used George Santos's webpage as an example in this blog post:
RT @NetPreserve
CC / please help spread the word
🙌 to our #iipcWAC23 Organizing Committee & Program Committee: https://netpreserve.org/ga2023/organization/
Learn about #webarchivering in the Netherlands here:
🔵@BeeldenGeluid: https://netpreserve.org/ga2023/web-archiving-in-the-netherlands/sv
🔵@KB_Nederland: https://netpreserve.org/ga2023/web-archiving-in-the-netherlands/kb
#WebArchiveWednesday #webarchiving #webarchivering CC: @webarchives
#webarchiving #webarchivewednesday #webarchivering #IIPCWAC23
📣Registration is now OPEN for our #WebArchiving Conference co-hosted in Hilversum by
the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision & KB, National Library of the Netherlands!
🔵IN-PERSON 10-12 May 2023
🔵ONLINE 3 May 2023
🔵#iipcWAC23 #iipcGA23 #iipc20Years
#webarchivering #webarchives #webarchivewednesday #iipc20years #iipcga23 #IIPCWAC23 #webarchiving
The IIPC WAC session list for May is available! https://netpreserve.org/ga2023/programme/wac/
h/t @caylin
The #iipcWAC23 Organizing Committee is pleased to announce our keynote speakers:
Eliot Higgins of @Bellingcat
& Marleen Stikker @marleenstikker of
Learn more about our 2023 keynotes & #iipcWAC23 here:
Thank you to our colleagues at
The Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision,
KB, National Library of the Netherlands, & our Program Committee for their help in selecting these excellent keynotes.
#webarchivering #WebArchiveWednesday
#webarchivewednesday #webarchivering #IIPCWAC23
For #WebArchiveWednesday, consider signing up for our 26 January RSS Webinar: Archiving Social Media. This webinar will feature Beatrice Cannelli from the School of Advanced Studies & will have a Q&A moderated by Helena Byrne from the British Library.
Register here: https://netpreserve.org/event/iipc-rss-webinar-archiving-social-media
Check out Beatrice Cannelli's blog post on social media #webarchiving initiatives (based on research presented initially at #WARCnet) here: https://netpreserveblog.wordpress.com/2022/11/30/mapping-social-media-archiving-initiatives-state-of-the-art-trends-and-future-perspectives/
#warcnet #webarchiving #webarchivewednesday
This #WebArchiveWednesday, meet our 2023 Officers:
CHAIR Youssef Eldakar from Bibliotheca Alexandrina
VICE-CHAIR Jeffrey van der Hoeven
from KB National Library of the Netherlands
TREASURER Ian Cooke from the British Library
THANK YOU to Kristinn Sigurðsson from Landsbókasafn & Abbie Grotke from Library of Congress for their leadership in 2021 & 2022!
Learn more here:
#webarchives #webarchiving #webarchivewednesday