'Haunts me to this day' — Crypto project hacked for $4M in a hotel lobby - The co-founder of Webaverse said they somehow got their crypto ha... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/haunts-me-to-this-day-crypto-project-hacked-for-4m-in-a-hotel-lobby #unitedstatesfederalbureauinvestigation #internetcrimescomplaint #proofoffunds #trustwallet #jacobriglin #privatekey #seedphrase #ahadshams #webaverse
#webaverse #ahadshams #seedphrase #privatekey #jacobriglin #trustwallet #proofoffunds #internetcrimescomplaint #unitedstatesfederalbureauinvestigation
first avatar i got to model from the wonderful concept art of galad, is quite fun to work on this little thing.
#3d #webaverse #threejs
awesome ! ability to export grease pencil into three.js !!
#webaverse #3d #vr
learning a lot about the vr world this week, got this egg doggo working with some little extras :)