🎬 For #w3cTPAC, @tidoust demoes how web technologies such as #WebCodecs, #WebGPU, #WebRTC, #Streams, etc. create a very powerful platform to process video frames in real-time.
Slides and transcript avail. at https://w3.org/2023/09/TPAC/demos/video-processing.html
Also on @w3c's YT: https://youtu.be/bEP5VrMtGaE
📗 For in-depth insight, read the 2-part article that explores how #WebApps can build processing media pipelines, by @tidoust and @dontcallmeDOM https://webrtchacks.com/video-frame-processing-on-the-web-webassembly-webgpu-webgl-webcodecs-webnn-and-webtransport/
#w3ctpac #webcodecs #webgpu #webrtc #streams #webapps
Wanna get an overview of current @w3c work? Watch this 🎬 from @plehegar about #WebNN #MachineLearning #Security #WebRTC #PrivateAdvertising #WebAssembly #WebGPU #WebTransport #WebCodecs, #DIDs #WCAG, and much more!
This talk is among the 20 presentations recorded during the "Web Technology Forum" event, organized by the W3C China team.
English and Chinese captions are avail.!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VxD4_4NTBI&list=PLNhYw8KaLq2UvXR79_FPMFcHLG0ipGly4
Read more about this successful event: https://www.w3.org/blog/2023/infinite-intelligence-and-secure-connection-w3c-chinas-web-technology-forum-report/
#webnn #machinelearning #security #webrtc #privateadvertising #webassembly #webgpu #webtransport #webcodecs #dids #wcag
Watch Chad Hart's itw of @tidoust talking about #Streams and explaining the game of processing dominoes #WebCodecs, #WebTransport, #WebRTC, etc.
#streams #webcodecs #webtransport #webrtc
9 June at 11am ET: webrtcH4cKS organizes a live panel discussion on #WebTransport, #WebCodecs and the future of #WebRTC w/ @tidoust (@w3c), Bernard Aboba (Microsoft) and Jordi Cenzano (Meta).
Get a cal invite here: https://webrtchacks.com/livestream/
This follows a series of 2 articles by @tidoust and @dontcallmeDOM: https://webrtchacks.com/real-time-video-processing-with-webcodecs-and-streams-processing-pipelines/
#webtransport #webcodecs #webrtc
🗓️ June@w3c: events in 🇪🇺
▶️ 13 June: register for 🆓 to the "Web technologies for #apps" event in Paris, 🇫🇷! With speakers: @dontcallmeDOM, @espinr, Alex Bourlier, @webmink, @utopiah, @rvailleux, @MrChristian #WebTechForApps https://systematic-paris-region.org/evenement/web-technologies-for-applications-workshop-and-coding-contest/
Check out the coding contest too, with nice 🏆 to WIN!
▶️ 13-14 June: @tidoust explores the future of real-time video processing with #WebCodecs and #Streams at the 10th "Media Web Symposium" event @fraunhoferfokus in #Berlin, 🇩🇪 https://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de/go/mws/
#apps #webtechforapps #webcodecs #streams #berlin
🆕 You've enjoyed reading the creation of a multi-step video processing pipeline? This second article by @tidoust explores the actual processing of video frames! https://webrtchacks.com/video-frame-processing-on-the-web-webassembly-webgpu-webgl-webcodecs-webnn-and-webtransport/
Technologies involved are #JavaScript #WebAssembly #WebGPU #WebCodecs #WebGL #WebTransport #WebNN.
Give feedback and contribute to an experimental code for creating video processing pipelines using these web technologies: https://github.com/tidoust/media-tests/ Thanks!
#javascript #webassembly #webgpu #webcodecs #webgl #webtransport #webnn
🆒 Interested in #WebRTC, #WebCodecs and Streams? @dontcallmeDOM and @tidoust explore how #WebApps can build processing media pipelines in this webrtcHacks article: https://kwz.me/hwM
To help visualize how to compose processing pipelines, they use the metaphor of a game of dominoes!
This is the first of a two-part series and it provides a review of the steps and pitfalls in a multi-step video processing pipeline using existing and the newest web #APIs. Stay tuned for Part 2!
#webrtc #webcodecs #webapps #apis
A side effect of using #WebCodecs and #WebGL - the filter heavy demo project can be exported on android phone #widevideo #android
#webcodecs #webgl #widevideo #android
Sketch Wrapper (v0.10.6) can now export WebM video right inside Chrome browser thanks to `webm-muxer` library and WebCodecs that ships with browser.
#creativecoding #javascript #webcodecs