RT @commonspolis@twitter.com
On y travaille depuis plusieurs mois, ms le #COVIDー19 ns oblige à le garder au chaud pr le moment.
Ce #FearlessCities 🇫🇷, on ne l’annule pas pr autant.
On le construit pas à pas,dès ce soir avec la #WebConf sur l' après 1er tour👉 https://bit.ly/33yc020
Vous y serez ?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/commonspolis/status/1242134012161748993
#COVIDー19 #fearlesscities #webconf
Okay, finished my slides for #WebConf talk, enough to go to bed. Gentle comments welcome. Had to trim a lot I wanted to include due to time constraints (25 minutes).
This is an invited W3C talk at a web research conference, so I'm hoping to inspire researchers to do cool new projects on top of the Fediverse software and protocols.
Switching planes in a crowded Munich, en route to #WebConf, trying to decide if it's unlikely that humans have essentially unique faces. So many, all different.
I mean, DNA is quantized, essentially digital, right? I'm not sure genetic twins have exactly the same faces, but they're far more similar than otherwise. Why is that? That suggests there are 30+ bits of DNA data affecting the face. Why? What if it were ten, and there were only 1024 different faces?