TheOnion: Zoom Orders Its Employees Back To Office #impactofthecovid19pandemiconscienceandtechnology #terminationofemployment #heatherdelmonte #webconferencing #videotelephony #rhettmills #dirkhada #zoompro #layoff #labor #zoom
#impactofthecovid19pandemiconscienceandtechnology #terminationofemployment #heatherdelmonte #webconferencing #videotelephony #rhettmills #dirkhada #zoompro #layoff #labor #zoom
Gizmodo: Zoom Contradicts Its Own Policy About Training AI on Your Data #drafttheriseofaibotsexploringthefutureofartificialintelligenceandrobotics #generativeartificialintelligence #zoomvideocommunications #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #technologyinternet #webconferencing #videotelephony #smitahashim #zoom
#drafttheriseofaibotsexploringthefutureofartificialintelligenceandrobotics #generativeartificialintelligence #zoomvideocommunications #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #technologyinternet #webconferencing #videotelephony #smitahashim #zoom
Gizmodo: Zoom Contradicts Its Own Policy About Training AI on Your Data #drafttheriseofaibotsexploringthefutureofartificialintelligenceandrobotics #generativeartificialintelligence #zoomvideocommunications #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #technologyinternet #webconferencing #videotelephony #smitahashim #zoom
#drafttheriseofaibotsexploringthefutureofartificialintelligenceandrobotics #generativeartificialintelligence #zoomvideocommunications #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #technologyinternet #webconferencing #videotelephony #smitahashim #zoom
Ars Technica: AI researchers claim 93% accuracy in detecting keystrokes over Zoom audio #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #sidechannelattacks #sidechannelattack #machinelearning #webconferencing #keylogging #keystrokes #attention #Keyboards #Macbooks #security #MacBook #Biz&IT #Tech #zoom #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #sidechannelattacks #sidechannelattack #machinelearning #webconferencing #keylogging #keystrokes #attention #keyboards #macbooks #security #Macbook #biz #zoom #ai
Gizmodo: Zoom Contradicts Its Own Policy About Training AI on Your Data #generativeartificialintelligence #zoomvideocommunications #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #technologyinternet #internetprivacy #webconferencing #videotelephony #smitahashim #zoom
#generativeartificialintelligence #zoomvideocommunications #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #technologyinternet #internetprivacy #webconferencing #videotelephony #smitahashim #zoom
Gizmodo: Discord Unveils New Parental Controls to Keep Tabs on Your Kids #anautonomouscontentmoderationtoolcalledautomod #technologyinternet #webconferencing #larrymagid #spamming #freeware #discord #automod #email
#anautonomouscontentmoderationtoolcalledautomod #technologyinternet #webconferencing #larrymagid #spamming #freeware #discord #automod #email
GÉANT and The Commons Conservancy have joined forces to pilot the transition of the #eduMEET web-based videoconferencing platform towards community-financed #OpenSource 👉
eduMEET is the first GÉANT service offering that will pilot a transition of project-based, internally developed software to “standalone”, #OpenSourceSoftware external to the project environment.
#videoconferencing #webconferencing #OSS #research #education #NRENs #GN5
#gn5 #nrens #Education #Research #oss #webconferencing #videoconferencing #opensourcesoftware #OpenSource #Edumeet
#BigBlueButton ist eine tolle, offene #Webconferencing Lösung, ideal für #Meetings oder #Webinare.
Hier eine exzellente Installationsanleitung von Carsten Rieger.
#bigbluebutton #webconferencing #meetings #webinare
#Jitsi is a service, that I use for several years now and is a strong recommendation from my side as very good open #Communication tool for simple #webconferencing and online-calls.
Now also enabling #breakaoutrooms.
#jitsi #communication #webconferencing #breakaoutrooms
Once again a #vulnerability in #Zoom.
Of course, other, even open solutions also have them.
But the point is that zoom definitely is NOT better here, but - at best - equally good.
Why are so many people still using Zoom without an alternative?
Many probably don't know any other #webconferencing solutions at all.
#vulnerability #zoom #webconferencing
Wieder einmal eine #Sicherheitslücke bei #Zoom.
Klar, andere, auch offene Lösungen haben die auch.
Aber der Punkt ist, dass Zoom hier definitiv besser ist, sondern - bestenfalls - gleich gut.
Warum fahren trotzdem so viele Leute alternativlos auf Zoom ab?
Viele kennen wahrscheinlich gar keine anderen #Webconferencing Lösungen.
#zoom #webconferencing #sicherheitslücke
On the occasion of this I want to repeat my recommendation for #BigBlueButton, which is a very good #OpenSource system for #webconferencing, #webinars & co.
#bigbluebutton #opensource #webconferencing #webinars
Video: Zoom Researcher Details Web Conference Security Risks, 2020 Threats - Maya Horowitz with Check Point Research discussed recently-disclosed Zoom vulnerabilities that cou... more: #cloudinfrastructure #webconferencing #mobilesecurity #vulnerability #cyberattack #ransomware #malware #videos #cloud #flaw #zoom #iot
#iot #zoom #flaw #cloud #videos #malware #ransomware #cyberattack #vulnerability #mobilesecurity #webconferencing #cloudinfrastructure
Zoom Fixes Flaw Opening Meetings to Hackers - Zoom has patched a flaw that could have allowed attackers to guess a meeting ID and enter a meetin... more: #teleconferencemeeting #vulnerabilities #webconferencing #websecurity #zoomflaw #cpx360 #zoom
#zoom #cpx360 #zoomflaw #websecurity #webconferencing #vulnerabilities #teleconferencemeeting