One of my resolutions for this year is to learn to code. So in the foreseeable future I will have some newbie questions that I will ask here. So I would like to follow more accounts that write about webdev and accounts that like to answer questions about webdev are welcome to follow me.
My focus would be webdev to begin with.
#CodeNewbie #WebDevelopmennt
utterances - A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues
#FrontEnd #Widget #WebDevelopmennt #Comments #TypeScript #LibreSoftware #OpenSource
#frontend #widget #webdevelopmennt #comments #typescript #libresoftware #opensource
Had 4 members of the CivicActions team get their #CPACC certifications from the #IAAP earlier in the week. Big jump in confidence.
#CPACC #iaap #a11y #accessibility #webdevelopmennt