Today in Labor History August 15, 1906: W.E.B. DuBois demanded equal citizenship rights for African-Americans during the second meeting of the Niagara Movement, saying, "We will not be satisfied to take one jot or little less than our full manhood." Founders of the movement named it for the “mighty current” of change they hoped to achieve. DuBois made his famous statement at Harper’s Ferry, sight of the failed insurrection led by John Brown, in 1859. For a wonderful speculative fiction story based on the premise that John Brown had succeeded in his raid, with the help of Harriet Tubman, read Terry Bisson’s “Fire on the Mountain” (1988).
In addition to cofounding the Niagara Movement, DuBois also cofounded the NAACP. He devoted his life to fighting racism, segregation, Jim Crow and lynchings. DuBois opposed capitalism and blamed it for much of the racism in America. He was also a prolific writer, an anti-nuclear and peace activist, and a proponent of Pan-Africanism.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #naacp #niagara #WEBDubois #racism #panafricanism #antinuke #antiwar #BlackMastadon #anticapitalist #HarpersFerry #JohnBrown #writer #author #books #fiction #SpeculativeFiction @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #naacp #niagara #webdubois #racism #panafricanism #antinuke #antiwar #BlackMastadon #anticapitalist #harpersferry #johnbrown #writer #author #books #fiction #speculativefiction
#WEBDuBois and the Meaning of #Progress: Revisiting "The Souls of #Black Folk" on Its 120-Year Anniversary
"The volume charts the development of #DuBois's anti-imperial thought, drawing attention to his persistent concern with the relationship between democracy and #empire .. "
#WEBDuBoisInternationalThought with eds. #AdomGetachew & #JenniferPitts
#WEBDuBois #imperialism #RacialCapitalism #colonialism #IR #SettlerColonialism #AmericanEmpire #InternationalRelations #books
#dubois #empire #webduboisinternationalthought #adomgetachew #jenniferpitts #webdubois #imperialism #racialcapitalism #colonialism #ir #settlercolonialism #americanempire #internationalrelations #books
"The volume charts the development of #DuBois's anti-imperial thought, drawing attention to his persistent concern with the relationship between democracy and #empire .. "
#WEBDuBoisInternationalThought with eds. #AdomGetachew & #JenniferPitts
#WEBDuBois #imperialism #RacialCapitalism #colonialism #IR #SettlerColonialism #AmericanEmpire
#InternationalRelations #books
#dubois #empire #webduboisinternationalthought #adomgetachew #jenniferpitts #webdubois #imperialism #racialcapitalism #colonialism #ir #settlercolonialism #americanempire #internationalrelations #books
"The volume charts the development of #DuBois's anti-imperial thought, drawing attention to his persistent concern with the relationship between democracy and #empire .. "
#WEBDuBoisInternationalThought with eds. #AdomGetachew & #JenniferPitts
#WEBDuBois #imperialism #RacialCapitalism #colonialism #IR #SettlerColonialism #AmericanEmpire
#InternationalRelations #books
#dubois #empire #webduboisinternationalthought #adomgetachew #jenniferpitts #webdubois #imperialism #racialcapitalism #colonialism #ir #settlercolonialism #americanempire #internationalrelations #books
The Onion: White Artist Reassures Self That People Will Love Painting Of Emmett Till Dunking Basketball #tallahatchiecountymississippi #danielimmelmann #emmetttill #webdubois #immelmann #alleyoop #slamdunk #dunking #emmett
#tallahatchiecountymississippi #danielimmelmann #emmetttill #webdubois #immelmann #alleyoop #slamdunk #dunking #emmett
Kevin M. Levin on Substack: "“Wouldn’t it be fine to invite Hitler to lecture at a few white Southern colleges? They might not understand his German but his #race nonsense would fit beautifully.”—W.E.B. Du Bois (*Crisis,* 1933)"
An excellent read. About 5 minutes long if you get interrupted. #webdubois #captialism #slavery #blackamerica #internationalpolicy
#internationalpolicy #blackamerica #slavery #captialism #webdubois
Caleb Duarte Piñon distinguishes between monuments and altars. Monuments are overwhelming, huge, hard to break, violently jammed into the earth. They reinforce, reproduce, extend power. Monuments violently silence stories people tell about themselves, they suppress every story but their own. The stories told by monuments end in morals. They serve power, they work to control. Only the powerful can call monuments into being.
Altars are human scale creations, spontaneously precipitated out of a shared desire to tell a shared story. Created both together and individually, this work coalesces socially to express something of the community. Altars are temporary, shifting, laid down upon the earth gently. They quietly amplify the stories people tell about themselves, they celebrate every story woven into them. The stories told by altars don’t end in morals. They don’t end at all, they’re liberating. Anyone can call altars into being.
#Anarchism #Altars #Monuments #CalebDuarte #WEBDuBois #PercyShelley #History #Ceramics #Pottery #Tiles #Ozymandias #Memory #ZapanteraNegra
#anarchism #altars #monuments #calebduarte #webdubois #percyshelley #history #ceramics #pottery #tiles #ozymandias #memory #ZapanteraNegra
#Book #Giveaway For The Wounded World: #WEBDuBois and the First World War
Free ebook! 'Darkwater', by W. E. B. Du Bois from Standard Ebooks: 'Free and liberated ebooks, carefully produced for the true book lover.':
Book description:
'In The Souls of Black Folk the sociologist W. E. B. Du Bois introduced the concept of the “veil,” a separation of the inner lives of black Americans from their white counterparts. Darkwater: Voices from Within the Veil is a collection of essays, poems, and short fiction that attempts to provide a nuanced look behind the veil at the lives of black Americans and to give voice to their often neglected concerns.
Written in the aftermath of the First World War, seventeen years after The Souls of Black Folk and during a time when racial tension had been codified into the infamous Jim Crow laws, Du Bois touches on a wide range of topics, from the philosophical to the concrete. His over-arching message is a desire for equality. He argues strongly against colonialism, excessive materialism, and Jim Crow, and discusses how only proper education and universal suffrage can provide the foundation for a more fair society. The unique combination of different writing styles on display vividly captures both his frustration and his belief in the possibility of a future shared on an equal basis between people of all colors.'
#WEBDuBois #essays #EBook #JimCrow #Black #philosophy #materialism #colonialism @bookstodon
#webdubois #essays #ebook #jimcrow #black #philosophy #materialism #colonialism
Black history month is ending soon, so I wanted to share these two great books I'm reading/listening to. #BHM #bellhooks #thewilltochange #webdubois #thesoulsofblackfolk
#bhm #bellhooks #thewilltochange #webdubois #thesoulsofblackfolk
@FeministKelly W.E.B. Du Bois was also a pioneer of data visualization. His groundbreaking charts and maps of African American life exhibited at the 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle were seen by millions, bringing #dataviz to the masses for the very first time. #WEBDuBois #BlackHistoryMonth
#dataviz #webdubois #blackhistorymonth
Happy Birthday to W.E.B. Du Bois, born in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, #OnThisDay in 1868. Du Bois was the first Black American to earn a Ph. D. from Harvard University (in 1895). He was a prolific writer, publishing The Souls of Black Folk, Black Reconstruction in America, and Dusk of Dawn. One of the founders of the NAACP, Du Bois launched & edited its journal, The Crisis.
#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistory #WEBDuBois #DuBois #Harvard #BlackReconstruction #NAACP #History #histodons
#onthisday #blackhistorymonth #blackhistory #webdubois #dubois #harvard #blackreconstruction #naacp #history #histodons
W. E. B. Du Bois was born #OTD in 1868. His writings and political activity spanned generations, and ranged from critiques of American racism to support for communism and Pan-Africanism. The US government took his passport for a time as a result of his work, but he was eventually able to travel the world, and spent his last days in socialist Ghana.
Today's art is by KEEBS':
#history #BlackHistoryMonth #PanAfricanism #communism #USA #WEBDubois #ToWeRi #Feb23
#Feb23 #toweri #webdubois #usa #communism #panafricanism #blackhistorymonth #history #otd
#Quotes #AWAD #AnuGarg #Democracy #WEBDuBois
The theory of democratic government is not that the will of the people is always right, but rather that normal human beings of average intelligence will, if given a chance, learn the right and best course by bitter experience. -W.E.B. Du Bois, educator, civil rights activist, and writer (23 Feb 1868-1963)
#quotes #awad #anugarg #democracy #webdubois
Song of the Day February 23 2023
In remembrance of the birth of William Edward Burghardt Du Bois presents - Mini Bio: W. E. B. Du Bois
#SongOfTheDay #SOTD #SOTD2023 #February23 #WEBDuBois #AmericanScholar #Harvard #BlackHistory #History #Biography #MiniBio #BiographyDotCom
#songoftheday #sotd #sotd2023 #february23 #webdubois #americanscholar #harvard #blackhistory #history #biography #minibio #biographydotcom
Ok. Y’all. Sociology is not the same as Socialism. Sociologist and Socialist are not mutually exclusive. Come on guys. Really. #WEBDuBois
The data visualizations of W.E.B. DuBois.
#WEBDuBois #BlackHistory #DataVisualization
#webdubois #blackhistory #datavisualization