Mozilla on controversial #WebEnvironmentIntegrity
citing https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/webvision/full/#openness
Standards "aim to avoid assumptions about the underlying hardware or software that might restrict where they can be deployed"
"no single party decides which form-factors, devices, #OperatingSystems, and #browsers may access the #Web"
This helps people "to overcome personal obstacles to access"
"Mechanisms that attempt to restrict these choices are harmful to the openness of the Web"
#webenvironmentintegrity #operatingsystems #browsers #web
Mozilla discussion on controversial #WebEnvironmentIntegrity
"#Standards [...] aim to avoid assumptions about the underlying hardware or software that might restrict where they can be deployed"
"no single party decides which form-factors, devices, #OperatingSystems, and #browsers may access the #Web"
This helps people "to overcome personal obstacles to access"
"Mechanisms that attempt to restrict these choices are harmful to the openness of the Web"
#webenvironmentintegrity #Standards #operatingsystems #browsers #web
Mozilla discussion on controversial #WebEnvironmentIntegrity
"#Standards [...] aim to avoid assumptions about the underlying hardware or software that might restrict where they can be deployed"
"no single party decides which form-factors, devices, operating systems, and browsers may access the Web"
This helps people "to overcome personal obstacles to access"
"Mechanisms that attempt to restrict these choices are harmful to the openness of the Web"
#webenvironmentintegrity #Standards
@endDRM on controversial #WebEnvironmentIntegrity #WEI proposal
"Many of us have grown up with a specific idea of the Internet, the notion of it as a collection of hyperlinked pages that can be accessed by a wide variety of different machines, programs, and operating systems. WEI is this idea's antithesis"
"Before serving a web page, a server can ask a #ThirdParty "verification" service to make sure that the user's browsing environment has not been "tampered" with"
#webenvironmentintegrity #wei #thirdparty
You thought #WebEnvironmentIntegrity (#WEI) was bad enough?
#Mozilla is alerted about a bill that has been suddenly put on an accelerated procedure in #France. That would force every #webbrowser to implement #censorship (not just at the #DNS).
#webenvironmentintegrity #wei #mozilla #france #webbrowser #censorship #dns #global #petition
If you know a list of WebKit/Blink (Chromium) browsers rejecting Google's latest piece of sh*t dubbed the Web Environment Integrity, please reply here.
I'm seeking to write a fingerprinting script to allow websites refuse to work on browsers not rejecting WEI. Boost for coverage.
#Google #WEI #WebEnvironmentIntegrity #W3C #OpenSource #FOSS
#google #wei #webenvironmentintegrity #w3c #opensource #foss
An article I just wrote on #WebEnvironmentIntegrity:
Evil Google ရဲ့ Web Environment Integrity ဆိုတဲ့ဟာကြီးသာ တကယ်ဖြစ်လာရင်တော့ အင်တာနက်က ရေဆုံမြုပ်ပြီပဲ။ သူ့အကျိုးစီးပွားကိုထိခိုက်တဲ့ Ad blocker တွေကိုသတ်ချင်တာနဲ့ အကုန်လိုက်ပိတ်ပင်နေတာ Google က တစ်နေ့ထက်တစ်နေ့ပိုစိတ်ပျက်ဖို့ကောင်းလာတယ်။
Google ရဲ့ product တွေနဲ့ကင်းအောင်နေဖို့ လွန်ခဲ့တဲ့နှစ်တွေတည်းက တဖြည်းဖြည်းနဲ့အဆက်ဖြတ်လာတာ အခုနောက်ဆုံး YouTube နဲ့ Google Maps ကျန်သေးတယ်။ Google Maps ကို #OpenStreetMap နဲ့ အစားထိုးလို့ရပေမယ့် YouTube ကိုအစားထိုးဖို့ကျ #PeerTube က မလုံလောက်သေးတော့ ခက်တာပဲ။
#EvilGoogle #Google #WebEnvironmentIntegrity #WEI #AdBlocker #DRM
#OpenStreetMap #PeerTube #evilgoogle #Google #webenvironmentintegrity #wei #adBlocker #DRM
What an analogy for #WebEnvironmentIntegrity #WEI
> Putting handcuffs on every shopper who enters a store would doubtless reduce shoplifting, and stores with less shoplifting might lower their prices, benefitting all of their customers
Security always has been a tradeoff, hasn't it?
#WebEnvironmentIntegrity - #Google -Angriff auf das freie Internet
"Denn Anbieter von Webseiten könnten auch entscheiden, dass man nur noch auf ihre Inhalte zugreifen kann, wenn man die echten Informationen über den eigenen Browser herausrückt. Sie könnten Nutzer:innen von Browsern, die diese Daten nicht sammeln, aussperren. Kurz, sie könnten die Freiheit der Browserwahl faktisch abschaffen, obwohl so viele Menschen so dringend auf alternative Browser angewiesen sind."
#Google #webenvironmentintegrity
I'm still giggling about the fact that I just read someone on Beehaw say that they asked Google Bard whether it thought Web Environment Integrity was a good or bad idea -- and it not only told them that it was a bad idea, but also went on to urge Google to drop the proposal entirely. #deGoogle #WebEnvironmentIntegrity #DontBeEvil
#degoogle #webenvironmentintegrity #DontBeEvil
Gibt es eigentlich schon Anti-#WEI-Banner, die Webseitenbesucher davor warnen, wenn sie einen Browser verwenden, der #WebEnvironmentIntegrity integriert hat?
Bestenfalls mit Links zu "mehr Informationen" und zum Einbau auf der eigenen Homepage?
@digitalcourage Ich denke, das würde zu etwas mehr Beachtung bei den Nutzern von #Chrome #Edge #SamsungInternet und Co. führen und könnte so evtl. eine kritische Masse generieren. 🤔
#samsunginternet #edge #chrome #webenvironmentintegrity #wei
I've given #Firefox a chance, but it's simply too far behind #Chrome in speed and stability.
It regularly becomes unresponsive. Crashes in one tab can lock up other tabs. Chrome had that solved on day one back in 2008.
The lack of proper #PWA support is also a deal breaker.
I hate #webEnvironmentIntegrity as much as the next #webDev, but I can't live like this.
#webdev #webenvironmentintegrity #pwa #chrome #Firefox
#WebEnvironmentIntegrity is an all-out attack on the free Internet: Read why #WEI is terrible, and why we must vocally oppose it now. Google's latest maneuver threatens our freedom to explore the Internet with browsers of our choice. https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/web-environment-integrity-is-an-all-out-attack-on-the-free-internet #DRM
#webenvironmentintegrity #wei #drm
I wonder if EDRi @edri (and @fsfe) has any ongoing initiative against the #webenvironmentintegrity #wei proposed by Google, which the Electronic Frontier Foundation @eff #EFF is already opposing (or?) https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/08/your-computer-should-say-what-you-tell-it-say-1
It would be great to have two important organizations in EU and the USA to fight together against that.
#webenvironmentintegrity #wei #eff
If my ISP stops acting up, my latest novelty (because it's not more than that) to protest #Google's #WebEnvironmentIntegrity #WEI crapola is up
#google #webenvironmentintegrity #wei
Unsere Vorstellung vom Internet: mit Hyperlinks versehenen Seiten, auf die mit unterschiedlichen Rechnern, Programmen und Betriebssystemen zugegriffen werden kann. #Google s so genannte „Web Environment Integrity“ ist die Antithese zu dieser Vorstellung.
#ALERTA #WEI #StopWEI #WebEnvironmentIntegrity
#google #alerta #wei #stopwei #webenvironmentintegrity
Googles Generalangriff auf das freie Internet
Google hat mit Web Environment Integrity (#WEI) eine Art #Browserkontrolle vorgeschlagen und sofort in Chrome/Chromium eingebaut. Warum das gefährlich ist?
Wir veröffentlichen einen Kommentar von Greg Farough (@fsf) in der Übersetzung von @chpietsch.
#browserkontrolle #wei #webenvironmentintegrity
I switched to #Firefox recently because of #Google finally entirely jumping the shark entirely in my view with their #WebEnvironmentIntegrity #WEI garbage.
I am finding that Firefox is hanging regularly when connecting to Google servers.
I don't recall this ever happening with #Chrome.
Coincidence? Firefox bugs? Or Google malfeasance? I don't know, I just find it curious.
#Firefox #google #webenvironmentintegrity #wei #chrome
A serious question on the #WebEnvironmentIntegrity, how does one create an attester? Meaning, if I am a government, or a non-profit, or a neutral body, a Linux distribution, or an internet programmer John or Jane, can I create an attester, or is this factually closed to Big Techs?
Can someone ask this question in the repo? It turns out "only previous contributors" can open new issues.
I think this is the key point that would clear out things and separate honest from evil.