And we now have basic WebFinger endpoint on ✌️
Guess what it's going to be used for in the future ;)
@DopeGhoti Mastodon already relies on #WebFinger:
Co-Author of #Webfinger ( #RFC7033, the ) Joseph Smarr – Thoughts on #web development, tech, and life.
"… The internet and #social networking were supposed to enable us to connect in meaningful ways with our friends and the artists, thinkers, and brands we care about. But it’s nearly 20 years since my last startup, Plaxo, helped usher in this “social web” phase, and it’s clear by now that this is not the future we were promised. Sure, the people you want to follow are now on Social, but we mostly receive undifferentiated, one-way broadcasts from them. They don’t really know who we are, what we’ve seen and done, or what we’re interested in, and what personalization does exist comes more from “surveillance capitalism” than real two-way connection. …"
#social #web #rfc7033 #webfinger
Co-Author of #Webfinger ( #RFC7033, the ) Joseph Smarr – Thoughts on web development, tech, and life.
"… The internet and #social networking were supposed to enable us to connect in meaningful ways with our friends and the artists, thinkers, and brands we care about. But it’s nearly 20 years since my last startup, Plaxo, helped usher in this “social web” phase, and it’s clear by now that this is not the future we were promised. Sure, the people you want to follow are now on Social, but we mostly receive undifferentiated, one-way broadcasts from them. They don’t really know who we are, what we’ve seen and done, or what we’re interested in, and what personalization does exist comes more from “surveillance capitalism” than real two-way connection. …"
Question, because I'm trying to make the right decision:
why do some Fediverse software seem to mangle the URL of users?
On Mastodon, you can simply go to https://<domain name>/@<username>@<another domain name>
But on Pixelfed, for example, it becomes http://<domain name>/i/web/profile/<a string>.
Is there a security reason?
I have nothing against either decision.
I'm asking because I'm currently exploring the idea of implementing my own Fediverse software, and I'm trying to figure out the pros and cons.
#fediverse #activitypub #webfinger #pixelfed #Mastodon
@djwudi the non-working ActivityPub functionality from within a sub-directory is due to webfinger pointing to the wrong location.
Even with modifications to #webfinger , I couldn’t get a subdirectory to work correctly with #ActivityPub .
My problems did resolve themselves when moving my #Wordpress installation to my root directory.
#webfinger #activitypub #wordpress
I've got a bunch of #WebFinger stickers on the way to me, so if you want the hookups, let me know.
Threads claims it will support ActivityPub. What is just as important as important is support for WebFinger which will be essential for looking people up now that a simple Twitter handle is no longer the standard that you can put on a business card or poster. #Threads #WebFinger
What is WebFinger?
Use your own user @ domain for #Mastodon discoverability with the #WebFinger Protocol without hosting a server
Playing around with #Webfinger,
it seems you can find our #Mastdon account @YiffyToys now also via the alias @YiffyToys
@activitypubtestsuite - From earlier from @devnull - just to get it into this group:👇
"Using this test file you can see exactly how far along I am implementing #ActivityPub — that is... not very far at the moment.
But we do have #webfinger sanity tests, actor endpoint, and now http signature (!!) signing and verificiation tests.
This is all preamble, now that it's almost all out of the way, I can start making actual calls and consuming data from inboxes, etc...."
@tchambers Using this test file you can see exactly how far along I am implementing #ActivityPub — that is... not very far at the moment.
But we do have #webfinger sanity tests, actor endpoint, and now http signature (!!) signing and verificiation tests.
This is all preamble, now that it's almost all out of the way, I can start making actual calls and consuming data from inboxes, etc.... the real fun begins.
Initial federated contact made! My local dev instance has just made its first calls to a remote Mastodon instance (via #WebFinger discovery) to retrieve a remote user account!
One small step for #NodeBB, ah... also one small step for the #Fediverse I guess.
#webfinger #nodebb #fediverse #fedidev #activitypubdev #nodebbactivitypub
@CliffWade I have two Mastodon accounts, this one for business and mission mostly, and the other purely social
Then there's my Pixelfed @nefertaueret
and PeerTube
I am hoping that the next update will allow my websites to connect through #ActivityPub . For some reason, Hostinger has issues with the #WebFinger endpoint.
Boring personal #fediverse project update:
Capturing+validating/invalidating requests, so onto processing!
Learning more about how the #Mastodon actor files can vary versus other clients
For example preferredUsername in the #Mastodon actor record is unique per instance and ties to #webfinger but there is no guarantee of uniqueness or existence per #activitypub docs
So I'll be storing by actor URI and trying to tie back to the webfinger format for "pretty ID name" when possible
Big fun! 😂
#activitypub #webfinger #mastodon #fediverse
@jonty you can actually do something similar with a #Webfinger setup for #Mastodon. There was a post about it I just saw in the past couple of days but apparently I didn't favorite or bookmark it. 🤦♂️
Could WebFinger make it possible to use your own domain name for an account on someone else's Mastodon server, sort of like bring-your-own-domain email services?
Hi @gopiandcode, just make a simple checker to make the #Webfinger and #ActivityPub json parser results visible: – does that make sense? Code at
@gopiandcode Hi gopi, just make a simple checker to make the #Webfinger and #ActivityPub json parser results visible: – does that make sense? Code at
@jamesmarshall You could point your webfinger file to your real Fediverse instance, like does with #webfinger and