queryLocalFonts - avoid loading expensive custom fonts by getting insight into what fonts the user has available (as long as the user grants permission to do so)
Currently supported only in Chrome and Eddge.
#javascript #webdevelopment #webfonts
"La typographie etait regardée, elle était lue, et aujourd'hui c'est elle qui te regarde, ça fait un effect de mirroir" – #Datentracking gibt es auch bei Google-Web-#Fonts oder über Adobe-Programme, lernt man im Podcast « La typographie : ce qu'on voit, ce qu'on ne voit pas » von france culture: https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/le-code-a-change/la-typographie-ce-qu-on-voit-ce-qu-on-ne-voit-pas-6729837 (Thema Tracking ab 35:32)
#typography #typografie #webfonts #tracking
#Datentracking #fonts #typography #typografie #webfonts #tracking
Sign up for early registration! #TypeCon2023: Portland will be held at Revolution Hall. Register now for a 3 day pass that includes #EdForum on Thursday, Aug 16th. Followed by the main conference on Friday and Saturday.
#typecon #edforum #conference #type #typematters #tickets #registration #creative #designconference #lettering #webfonts #typespire #typography #handlettering #design #fonts #graphicdesign #typedesign #designinspiration #thedailytype #customtype #print
#typecon2023 #edforum #typecon #conference #type #typematters #tickets #registration #creative #designconference #lettering #webfonts #typespire #typography #handlettering #design #fonts #graphicdesign #typedesign #designinspiration #thedailytype #customtype #print
New #link: "System Font Stack" - CSS font-stacks for system fonts
#Css #WebFonts
New liked #link: "System Font Stack" - CSS font-stacks for system fonts
#Css #WebFonts • #Otter
Great resource: System font stack CSS organized by typeface classification for every modern OS. The fastest fonts available. No downloading, no layout shifts, no flashes — just instant renders. https://modernfontstacks.com/ #CSS #WebFonts
You can now use #WebFonts with less layout shift! They cause layout shifts due to #font swapping the local fallback w/diff dimensions. New #CSS size-adjust & font-metric overrides fix this: http://bit.ly/font-fallbacks #web #webDev #frontend #fonts
#fonts #frontend #webdev #web #css #font #webfonts
How to Host Fonts Locally in WordPress (Classic & Block Themes!) .
https://torquemag.io/2023/03/host-fonts-locally-wordpress/ #WordPress #WebFonts
Do you really need that custom web font? Do users actually care?
There are many benefits from using system fonts, among which
👉 Nothing to load. System fonts are already available
👉 Reducing page weight and load times
👉 Preventing layout shifts and flash of unstyled text
If you want to give your web design that special treat, there are a lot of nice font stacks already available:
#webdev #webdesign #webfonts #fonts #typography #frontend
Good resource -> Fonts Knowledge is a library of original guides to the world of typography, which the Google Fonts team is producing in collaboration with typographic experts from around the world. https://fonts.google.com/knowledge #Typography #WebFonts
"Saving the internet 2000 terabytes a day" by Roel Nieskens @pixelambacht.
A dive into optimising font files, especially icon fonts. We don't see these a lot anymore, but the lessons remain relevant.
Too much personality in a body font is generally best avoided. It diverts attention away from the text. #typography #webfonts
Do you know any real comparison of 'Roboto Serif' vs. 'IBM Plex Serif'?
#typography #serif #webfonts
🔺 Coding Fonts I’d Actually Use
by Chris Coyier @chriscoyier @chriscoyier
#typography #webfonts #coding #webdev
#typography #webfonts #coding #webdev
Because I just stumbled upon it again in a design review: if you implement web fonts the wrong way, you will end up with faux bold or faux italic text. You need to add the font-weight (or -style) to the @font-face declaration as well!
This post from the archives explains it:
#css #basics #typography #webfonts
#css #basics #typography #webfonts