Are you using LiberaForms at an educational institution, an NGO, or some public service or company?
We'd like to know what sort of things LiberaForms is being used for. Your feedback and experiences would help us to improve.
Free Form software for all!
#testimonials #LiberaForms #webforms
This last year we have been working on version 3 with all sorts of improvements such as:
-- A new interface
-- Better GDRP integration
-- Form styling
-- Post submission editing
You are all welcome to have a look at
#LiberaForms3 #LiberaForms #FreeSoftware #Privacy #WebForms
Free Form software for all!
#liberaforms3 #LiberaForms #freesoftware #privacy #webforms
We are 4 years old already? Time flies when you're having fun! We put together the first version for some friends and neighbours and did not think much more of it. But, more and more people are downloading and using the software, and that's the best reason to keep developing.
#anniversary #LiberaForms #freesoftware #privacy #webforms
This is a good time for a new #Introduction.
LiberaForms is a libre software (AGPLv3) tool developed as community, free, and ethical infrastructure that makes it easy to create and manage forms that respect the digital rights of the people who use it.
With LiberaForms you can browse, edit, and download the answers to your forms; manage data protection law consent, collaborate with other users by sharing permissions; and much more!
#introduction #freesoftware #privacy #webforms
Hello fediverse!
Just to let you know that we have moved to, the node we were on is closing down, so this is a great opportunity to join the libre software community here!
We would like to thank the people at for the time we spent there.
#FreeSoftware #Privacy #WebForms
Free Form software for all!
#freesoftware #privacy #webforms
Hello fediverse!
Just to let you know that we have moved to, the node we were on is closing down, so this is a great opportunity to join the libre software community here!
We would like to thank the people at for the time we spent there.
#FreeSoftware #Privacy #WebForms
Free Form software for all!
#freesoftware #privacy #webforms
Hey ASP.NET Web Forms developers (present and former)!
Has anyone tried using DotVVM to modernise a Web Forms project, or migrate it to ASP.NET Core? If so, how did it go?
I've just discovered that modernising/migrating is an official DotVVM use case:
It looks like it could be a promising alternative to rewriting Web Forms apps from scratch.
#dotnet #aspdotnet #webforms #dotvvm
This month I'm back to wrangling ASP.NET Web Forms.
We're working on expanding the mobile device support for a client's web app. In this case, that means updating existing pages to support an alternative mobile-friendly MasterPage and stylesheet that will be used when a mobile web browser is detected.
I'm learning a lot more about the ASP.NET page lifecycle, and how its rendering process works.
@JRBuckley @jeffjarvis
That is cool. The old #mainframes were smarter than a lot of modern #webforms.
It’s time to stop using ASP .NET Webforms, here is some information on how to migrate out of it.
#ASPNET #aspnetcore #dotnet #webforms #blazor
Hi, friends. This informal poll will help inform some formal research I’m doing to make web forms more usable for all of us. I’d love your input for posterity. Maybe a boost, too?
Did you know:
Checkboxes are used for multiple-choice answers and are squares by default.
Radio buttons are used for single-choice answers and are circles by default.
#Usability #WebForms #Accessibility #UI #UIDesign #UIDev #FrontEnd #HTML
#html #frontend #uidev #uidesign #ui #accessibility #webforms #usability
Your are losing thousands of dollars been reluctant to migrate from ASP .NET Webforms to Blazor
#dotnet #blazor #webforms #aspnet #aspnetcore #business #startups #money #revenue #businesstips
#dotnet #blazor #webforms #ASPNET #aspnetcore #business #startups #money #revenue #BusinessTips
I'm looking to add a new feature to and looking for advice.
We're starting to log which step of a multi-step form is viewed and when, per user. The challenge is how to display this in a dashboard to admins?
Sankey diagrams seem common in web analytics programs, as do filterable data tables.
Any other good ways of #visualising #userJourneys through #webforms e.g. to highlight #dropoffs ? Don't want to build shiny charts that don't actually help understand the data.
#visualising #UserJourneys #webforms #dropoffs
There is still a log of #OldTech that survives in #DotNet Land. Just this week I was faced with both #WebServices and #Webforms. And it isn't even Friday yet.
#oldtech #dotnet #webservices #webforms
Has anyone here had any luck customizing the default Substack sign up form? I want to embed it on my website, but to use their iframe, and I can't figure out how to untangle the calls that the embed page makes to the backend js scripts to make the form work. All I want is the basic side-by-side email input and subscribe button that I already have going to Mailchimp, but I want to flip it over to go to #Substack. Any ideas???
#substack #coding #javascript #webdesign #webforms
Here it is: 🔗
By request of a reader, there's now an "Alternatives to Google Forms" page:
#webforms #googleforms #deletegoogle