Any recommendations for good Java #WebFramework? We have used spring but just starting to move to #Java 11 and them requiring java 17 for supported versions makes it less than ideal.
Preferably it works standalone and hosted in wildfly/jboss
Sci Fi UI Made Easy With Arwes - Many of us grew up watching Star Trek, marvelling at the beautiful colorful interf... - #sciencefiction #userinterface #webframework #mischacks #sci-fi #arwes #scifi #ui
#ui #scifi #arwes #sci #mischacks #webframework #userinterface #sciencefiction
Did a hackaton at work yesterday to see if might replace #py4web and #web2py. It really looks interesting as another modern take on web development. Our main requirements are auto-generated forms and grids (for quick development of crud apps), continued development, pydal support (since we use that a lot) and a low barrier to entry for interns to start coding.
Anyone with hands on experience who's willing to share lessons learnt?
#py4web #web2py #emmetsh #python #webframework
More considerations about how to break out of #vendorlockin for an application that is built on the wrong #webframework and has grown organically. It needs #refactoring and it needs to by lifted to a new tech stack.
I’m writing on my #blog about how I see the challenges ahead of me. Comments are much appreciated 😊
#vendorlockin #webframework #refactoring #blog
Trying out #aspnet and man... This is such a great experience. Just wondering what I should focus on and why (I've seen that #MVC might be more used as of now, but normal razor pages is gaining popularity)
#aspnet #mvc #aspnetcore #dotnet #webdev #webframeworks #webframework
Trying out #aspnet and man... This is such a great experience. Just wondering what I should focus on and why (I've seen that #MVC might be more used as of now, but normal razor pages is gaining popularity)
#aspnet #mvc #aspnetcore #dotnet #webdev #webframeworks #webframework
RIFE2 v1.5 will have a completely new pure #Java build tool and build system built in. No need to mess with scripting languages or configuration files, your whole build process is just written in Java in a very concise and convenient way. Leveraging all the power of modern IDEs.
I recorded a preview video about the build system's current state, curious to hear your thoughts:
#buildtool #buildsystem #productivity #pragmatic #webframework #rife2
#java #buildtool #buildsystem #productivity #pragmatic #webframework #rife2
So, I published the beginnings of a #WebFramework in #CommonLisp #Lisp
It's pretty bare-bones at the moment, but I kinda like how it turned out and I have tests and even *some* documentation, which puts me ahead of the pack I think :)
Blog post:
And of course DO NOT put it on GitHub please. It's self hosted for a reason, I might mirror it somewhere not owned by MS eventually.
#webframework #commonlisp #lisp
More details on @foojay about the incredible performance boost to #rife2 thanks to #GraalVM native-image!
#rife2 #graalvm #java #webframework #performance
RIFE2 v1.3.0 is out with experimental #GraalVM native-image #AOT compilation support.
Very wild how significant some of these improvements are!
All the details are here:
#graalvm #aot #java #performance #webframework
I wrote a whole new manual section for #RIFE2 about dependency injection. Check it out!
I'm curious to hear if it solves your #dependencyinjection needs, or if other use-cases should be considered.
#rife2 #dependencyinjection #java #ioc #spring #webframework
Created a #GitHub #RIFE2 bootstrap template repository to make it really easy to get started. Just click "Use this template" and you're ready to have some coding fun!
RIFE2 now also official supports deploying with an UberJar. The manual, examples and this template repository have been updated for this.
#github #rife2 #java #development #webframework
Thanks to @foojay for letting me write and publish an article about RIFE2 for their audience!
#java #webframework #web #framework #opensource #continuations
#java #webframework #web #framework #opensource #continuations
Released a new version of my RIFE2 #web #framework #Intellij #IDEA #plugin, fixing some weirdness that was occurring when reformatting the templated language (HTML, XML, JSON, ...)
#web #framework #intellij #idea #plugin #webframework #java
The RIFE2 #IntelliJ #IDEA plugin is now available for free from the JetBrain plugin marketplace:
#intellij #idea #java #webframework
The RIFE2 #IntelliJ #IDEA plugin is now available for free from the JetBrain plugin marketplace:
#intellij #idea #java #webframework
Uma das coisas que mais assustam em relação ao Spring é entrar no site e ver 25 projetos ali
Turn a Webpage into a Desktop App With Gluon #SoftwareHacks #webframework #javascript #electron
#SoftwareHacks #webframework #javascript #electron
Turn a Webpage into a Desktop App With Gluon - Electron is software for running web-written apps in the same way as native ones, ... - #softwarehacks #webframework #javascript #electron
#electron #javascript #webframework #softwarehacks