· @Nono
91 followers · 2247 posts · Server framapiaf.org

J'espère que je suis le seul... Est-ce que quelqu'un utilise le webmail (fork de ) avec l'extension 2FA ?

#security #webmail #totp #rainloop #SnappyMail

Last updated 1 year ago

Daltux · @daltux
17 followers · 43 posts · Server bolha.us

@randstreifen Not *very* happy with only because they do not have a app. I do not like too much.
They have, as part of the single "Unlimited" bundle ($10/month), a "Bridge" for IMAP/SMTP which would be nice, running as a local server decrypting and encrypting messages for Thunderbird or others. :ChicoRi: (github.com/ProtonMail/proton-b).
We should be able to pay only for this. I don't need the whole tied package. :ChicoTristo:

#protonmail #desktop #webmail #gplv3

Last updated 1 year ago

🥧 · @pieist
148 followers · 1411 posts · Server qoto.org

I revisit the topic of every few years, and I'm always freshly surprised to find the dearth of non- choices.

Back in the early Aughts this wasn't so strange, when it held sway as the earliest free-as-in-beer web templating language, but we've been utterly spoiled for choice for much longer more than a decade now. And yet still, every non-PHP possibility always proves to be either abandonware or somedayware. (Or gigantic bloated Walletware.)

Finally I decided to implement SnappyMail, an especially competent yet lightweight, low-baggage option, and stick it behind an additional layer of HTTP authentication so that the endless attempts at exploitng PHP's equally endless whack-a-mole vulnerabilities don't get a look in. And it's working well so far.

So if you're a self-hosting type looking for webmail, I can cautiously recommend this combination.

Provided you also take this additional -- in my opinion, indispensable -- step: code your such that your server cannot make outbound connections of any kind. Most exploits work by running a tiny bit of code which downloads the real malware payload from somewhere on the internet. So have a firewall, preferably not hosted on the same machine, and firewall your webserver in. When you need to do maintenance upgrades, have a temporary rule to enable that.

#selfhosted #php #firewall #webmail

Last updated 1 year ago

Gala, thé des sphères · @Gala
697 followers · 1266 posts · Server ludosphere.fr

[Gandi/nom de domaine/mail]
Pour la Gazinière, nous avons acheté un nom de domaine et nous sommes passés chez Gandi pour ça. L'offre comprenait 2 mails, un qu'on a dédié à la Gazinière et un perso.
Gandi a décidé d'arrêter cette offre de mail incluse et de les faire payer. Chers. On passerait de 17€/an à 125€/an pour maintenir deux pauvres boîtes mail.
Donc on cherche un nouvel hébergeur. Une idée ?

#gandi #webmail #nomdedomaine

Last updated 1 year ago

muyallon · @muyallon
1 followers · 4 posts · Server mamot.fr

A la recherche d'un webmail qui puisse être client imap donc gérant des mails "externes". J'ai regardé chez proton et infomaniak, c'est pas très clair, j'ai l'impression qu'ils peuvent gérer des mails qui sont forcément hébergés chez eux.. Des idées ?

#webmail #mail #hosting #privacy

Last updated 1 year ago

GNU/Linux.ch · @gnulinux
5507 followers · 4016 posts · Server social.anoxinon.de

Umfragen #43: E-Mail-Anbieter

In unserer neuen Umfrage möchten wir erfahren, bei welchen Anbietern eure E-Mail-Adressen liegen, oder ob ihr selbst einen Mail-Server betreibt.



#e_mail #gmail #gmx #web #tutanota #posteo #webmail #linux

Last updated 1 year ago

GNU/Linux.ch · @gnulinux
5461 followers · 3989 posts · Server social.anoxinon.de

Umfragen #42: E-Mail-Verwaltung

In unserer neuen Umfrage möchten wir von euch wissen, wie ihr eure elektronische Post handhabt.


#umfrage #e_mail #thunderbird #wochenruckblick #webmail #linux

Last updated 1 year ago

Why you might want an client in the era of
New beta versions of (and )
New user interface has been cleaned up & simplified a bit. There are a few more buttons on the vertical toolbar which let you switch between different Thunderbird tools — email, address book, task list, calendar, chat and so on.The revamp clarifies difference between the built-in quick views (unread mails, starred mails, etc.) and more comprehensive search tools.

#email #webmail #thunderbird #firefox

Last updated 1 year ago

WildEnte · @WildEnte
33 followers · 164 posts · Server social.vivaldi.net

@bvosbury you can choose how to build the reputation you need to get access to , be it posts here on @Vivaldi social, blog posts, forum posts, or just using sync ... ultimately the idea is that people who actively engage with the community or use the browser across a number of devices are quite unlikely to start abusing the service for spamming later.
So welcome to the club, and with some patience I'm sure you'll get access soon enough!


Last updated 1 year ago

xut ✅ · @xut
1 followers · 6 posts · Server defcon.social
Stephen Foskett · @sfoskett
891 followers · 1543 posts · Server techfieldday.net

If you use for your domains you might notice you can't log in right now. That's not your imagination. Because of a they're having issues with email login. Hopefully it's not something worse... hoverstatus.com

#hover #webmail #ddos

Last updated 2 years ago

Paolo Redaelli · @paoloredaelli
252 followers · 4761 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Ah, l'oramai dimenticata . Avete mai provato a spiegare agli di e delle che il è prima che essere maleducazione porta solo a confusione? Io sì e l'unica conseguenza é stata un marcato peggioramento della mia considerazione del genere umano. Ha solo aumentato la mia 😱🤮😡

#netiquette #utonti #outlook #webmail #topposting #misantropia

Last updated 2 years ago

Jo. Hummel 🍀 · @johummel
134 followers · 1029 posts · Server muenchen.social

Mailu hat Version 2.0 veröffentlicht. Leider ist ein Update mit der Version 1.9 nicht mehr möglich. Die Docker Images wurden entfernt. Allerdings funktioniert der Upgrade von 1.9 auf 2.0 wirklich schmerzfrei
# imap

#docker #mailserver #mail #pop3 #webmail

Last updated 2 years ago

Helen Fernanda :ace1: :zgtnh: · @helen
179 followers · 582 posts · Server bolha.us

O site xexelento de "notícias" do Yahoo! Brasil morreu. Amém! (MSN poderia ir junto, né? Só tranqueira sensacionalista.)

O Yahoo! Mail continua oferecendo 1TB na conta grátis, tanto que acabei de recomendar para uma colega que tá sem espaço no Hotmail e precisa redirecionar as mensagens.

Para novos cadastros, o Yahoo! tá oferecendo um novo endereço: @myyahoo.com

#webmail #emailgratis

Last updated 2 years ago

j.r · @jr
446 followers · 6883 posts · Server social.anoxinon.de

Wow there seems to be actually no maintained software, that isn't PHP based 🤢


Last updated 2 years ago

Sean Fulmer :opalstack: · @sean
248 followers · 662 posts · Server opalstack.social

The Squirrelmail Proxy is an amazing little thing!

We deployed it on Opalstack's US server yesterday - after doing so system load on the IMAP server plummeted and the webmail system was suddenly super-responsive. 😎

The attached chart shows the 5-minute load avg on IMAP, red is yesterday and green is today, you can see the load just crater right after 0100 UTC when the changes were deployed. It's an amazing improvement and the proxy manages it while using only 20MB of RAM!

#imap #webmail

Last updated 2 years ago

Kyle Wagaman · @kylewagaman
5 followers · 24 posts · Server mastodon.social

iCloud Mail rules are way too basic. You can only set one criterion (e.g. not [from] AND [subject line contains]). You can't set multiple values per rule, so rather than have one rule that applies to multiple email addresses, you need multiple nearly identical rules. Please do better, Apple.

#apple #icloud #email #webmail

Last updated 2 years ago