I’d like to send #webmentions from my #Wordpress #selfhosted #website .
The only way I’ve managed to achieve this is by including a link to someone else’s blog within the body of a post.
I don’t want to have to create a post each time, but Comments don’t Aires to support links (?).
If Wordpress comments do allow for links, they appear to have to be written in html (not user friendly).
How does one converse in the comments using #webmention ?
#webmentions #wordpress #selfhosted #website #webmention
Hey, people who use #11ty to publish #webmentions: how are you sending webmentions when you create a new post on your site?
It looks like brid.gy can do it: https://brid.gy/about#publish
...and there's also this GitHub action: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/any-feed-to-mastodon
Any preferences?
New Blog Post - Adding #Webmentions in #Eleventy
Added webmentions to site so now commenting using mastodon should be possible.
Also using #github actions for cron to trigger builds with #netlify build hooks. #indieweb
#webmentions #Eleventy #github #netlify #indieweb
@amino @james I think that you should be able to do that natively with #webmentions, there are at least 4 Hugo themes that are webmention #indieweb ready out there..
@amino @james via its #webmentions support that's one of the things @manton micro.blog bring out of the box to our blogs, replies on the fediverse appear as comments on our blogs
A question for the #ActivityPub #WebMentions #IndieWeb experts: We used to have WebMentions displayed as comments on @osi blog. Now the mentions only show up as icons, without the content of the mention and no direct link to the #Mastodon mention itself
Why this changed? How to get the full comment in #WordPress again?
#activitypub #webmentions #indieweb #Mastodon #WordPress
Testing to see if I can sign my guestbook with Bridgy Fed, webmentions and mastodon.
#webmentions #ownyourdata #indieweb
Still figuring out #webmentions. I've logged into webmention.io and setup auth there, I can view my dashboard for https://heather-buchel.com/, added the relevant <link> tags to my site, still can't manually send a webmention and it doesn't seem to pick up any links. Like I added one link to a blog post on Twitter assuming that should show up as a mention? https://twitter.com/hbuchel/status/1679308470913310720
I still think there is a place for a self-hosted open source FriendFeed, with #activitypub and #webmentions on top, there is still room for a decentralized social feed reader that can mix all kinds of feed sources.
Djupa kommentarsfält.
"När jag byggde min nya blogg, sneglade jag förstås på förlagan: blogg. En typisk blogg innehåller inte bara textinnehåll som man kan läsa och dela vidare, utan även ett kommentarsfält, där man direkt efter man läst klart, eller även innan man läst alls, kan berätta för alla vad man tänker och tycker om det man läst/inte läst."
#data #skisser #gillamarkeringar #socialamedier #webmentions #indieweb #webmentions0
#data #skisser #gillamarkeringar #socialamedier #webmentions #indieweb #webmentions0
Thinking about Hacker News but sprinkled with #activitypub
imagine being able to reply and participate to any #HN post from the #fediverse and with #webmentions have fediverse comments mingled with native HN activity.
#Nodebb #Discourse + #Lemmy #kbin and we shift the balance back in the open web.
#kbin #Lemmy #discourse #nodebb #webmentions #Fediverse #hn #ActivityPub
Curious about #Webmentions - simple test https://box464.com/posts/indieweb-webmentions/
I feel like it's time to ditch #webmentions from my website. The ratio for spam to real mentions has taken a steep turn towards the former.
This also offers a chance to wipe out any Javascript from the website, which is incredibly tempting.
@shoq @Green_Footballs it does a bit more thanks to #webmentions, it retrieves comments under the original source post and display them on the blog (currently only works with Mastodon as far as I'm aware) this is part of the #indieweb concepts
I wanted to add pingback support to WordPress pages so I could enable Webmentions on my new Guestbook. After a bit of searching, I extrapolated the correct functions.php snippet from a guide for a different point and added the functionality to pages without breaking my site.
#php #indieweb #webmentions #wordpress
Wrote about my adventures with #Webmentions and #Bridgy to create a decentralized comment section on my site.
Let me know what you think!
@andrewhoyer I'm getting involved with a new project at my day job, learning to play the #piano in my mid-forties, working on a new #scifi novel, and making my static website my compatible with #indieweb tech.
I still haven't implemented outgoing #webmentions yet. Shouldn't be that hard, though.
#webmentions #indieweb #scifi #piano
Hey folks! Distributed.Press is venturing into the world of federated social and are working on our moderation tools. Specifically this will be on getting #WebMentions into #p2p published blogs.
What sorts of tools do you wish you had for making #moderation easier? I'll document some of the ones we're already planning in this thread too.
Boosts and shares appreciated.
Having convos on what the story for #WebMentions / #ActivityStream integration will look like for #DistributedPress
Hoping to iron out a cool new #p2p social layer on top of your #dweb sites later this year!
#webmentions #activitystream #DistributedPress #p2p #dweb