Wanna get an overview of current @w3c work? Watch this 🎬 from @plehegar about #WebNN #MachineLearning #Security #WebRTC #PrivateAdvertising #WebAssembly #WebGPU #WebTransport #WebCodecs, #DIDs #WCAG, and much more!
This talk is among the 20 presentations recorded during the "Web Technology Forum" event, organized by the W3C China team.
English and Chinese captions are avail.!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VxD4_4NTBI&list=PLNhYw8KaLq2UvXR79_FPMFcHLG0ipGly4
Read more about this successful event: https://www.w3.org/blog/2023/infinite-intelligence-and-secure-connection-w3c-chinas-web-technology-forum-report/
#webnn #machinelearning #security #webrtc #privateadvertising #webassembly #webgpu #webtransport #webcodecs #dids #wcag
▶️ https://twitter.com/w3c/status/1641349326742986752
The #WebNN #API provides #WebApps with the ability to create, compile, and run machine learning models in #browsers #timetoimplement https://w3.org/TR/webnn/
Most #developers will benefit from the performance boost enabled by WebNN through frameworks such as #TensorFlowJS #ONNX Web or #ml5js
Read the explainer that lists some common use cases applying to a wide range of #WebApps https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn/blob/main/explainer.md and give feedback in the #GitHub repo: https://github.com/webmachinelearning/webnn
#webnn #api #webapps #browsers #timetoimplement #developers #TensorflowJS #onnx #ml5js #github
🆕 You've enjoyed reading the creation of a multi-step video processing pipeline? This second article by @tidoust explores the actual processing of video frames! https://webrtchacks.com/video-frame-processing-on-the-web-webassembly-webgpu-webgl-webcodecs-webnn-and-webtransport/
Technologies involved are #JavaScript #WebAssembly #WebGPU #WebCodecs #WebGL #WebTransport #WebNN.
Give feedback and contribute to an experimental code for creating video processing pipelines using these web technologies: https://github.com/tidoust/media-tests/ Thanks!
#javascript #webassembly #webgpu #webcodecs #webgl #webtransport #webnn