😍 WebPerformance Report Week #36. Delivered ✅
If you wants to receive the @webperfreport the next week, all you have to do is subscribe from our website:
👉 https://webperformancereport.com
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#webperf #corewebvitals #webperformance #buildinpublic
#webperf #CoreWebVitals #webperformance #BuildInPublic
🖼️ You should ensure your page’s critical content loads as fast as possible. Here are four actionable methods to improve one of the #CoreWebVitals: Largest Contentful Paint.
#CoreWebVitals #webperf #perfmatters
There's #webperf gold in Safari TP 178 [1] 🎉 🎉 🎉
* Enabled Fetch Priority by default
* Enabled requestIdleCallback
* Enabled responsive images in <link rel=preload>
Hat-tip to @tunetheweb for the heads-up and thanks to @jensimmons for all the hard work on pushing Safari forward!
[1]: https://webkit.org/blog/14435/release-notes-for-safari-technology-preview-178/
A customer just referred to LCP as Largest Contentful Pain and, at least in their case, it’s an appropriate verbal slip. I’m adopting it.
Tonight, 7th of September 2023 at 7:30pm CET, the next Hamburg #WebPerf meetup is happening! \o/
And this time, there's a live stream!
How layout position impacts three big web performance levers
https://performance.shopify.com/blogs/blog/how-layout-position-impacts-three-big-web-performance-levers by @sia
Performance Newsletter №134:
🔹 Layout positioning impact on web performance by @sia
🔹Long Animation Frames API for measuring UI updates speed by @tunetheweb & Noam Rosenthal
🔹View Transitions break incremental rendering by @eeeps
and more!
😍 WebPerformance Report Week #35. Delivered ✅
If you wants to receive the @webperfreport the next week, all you have to do is subscribe from our website:
👉 https://webperformancereport.com
🍻 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/webperfreport
#webperf #corewebvitals #webperformance #buildinpublic
#webperf #CoreWebVitals #webperformance #BuildInPublic
@kathimmel oh gosh. I'm not sure I'd know where to begin with calculating that! It feels like relatively simple, computationally, as it's doesn't require a ton of JS, but I don't really know how heavy it is on the browser engine, figuring out the CSS to display it 🤔
Any #webPerf folk got an insight on that?
Do you know the new Core Web Vitals metric Interaction to Next Paint (INP)?
#webperf #CoreWebVitals #cwv #INP
Modern JavaScript culture is a #WebPerf disgrace - this is a dashboard with 3 tables of simple text which Netscape 4 would have loaded faster. On dialup.
😍 WebPerformance Report Week #34. Delivered ✅
If you wants to receive the @webperfreport the next week, all you have to do is subscribe from our website:
👉 https://webperformancereport.com
🍻 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/webperfreport
#webperf #corewebvitals #webperformance #buildinpublic
#webperf #CoreWebVitals #webperformance #BuildInPublic
Measuring Web Performance at Airbnb
#webperf #Performance #metrics #monitoring
Nuxt Performance Series' Articles
#webperf #Performance #nuxt #vue
Vous connaissez l'effet sapin de Noël sur un site web ? 🎄
Ce moment où le site clignotte et vous fait perdre votre lecture, ou pire, vous fait cliquer au mauvais endroit.
Cet effet se mesure via le CLS : Cumulative Layout Shift.
Qu'est-ce ? Comment le diagnostiquer ? Comment le résoudre ?
Je vous en parle ici : https://www.julienpradet.fr/tutoriels/comment-detecter-du-cls/
😍 WebPerformance Report Week #33. Delivered ✅
If you wants to receive the @webperfreport the next week, all you have to do is subscribe from our website:
👉 https://webperformancereport.com
🍻 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/webperfreport
#webperf #corewebvitals #webperformance #buildinpublic
#webperf #CoreWebVitals #webperformance #BuildInPublic
Hast du dich schon schonmal gefragt, wo denn jetzt der Unterschied zwischen Google PageSpeed Insights und dem Lighthouse Report ist? Oder welches Tool du wofür nutzen kannst? Dann findest du hier Antworten auf deine Fragen.
#pagespeed #webperf #CoreWebVitals
#pagespeed #webperf #CoreWebVitals
I'm monitoring a potential client's website... if they accept my help, I think we'll have a lot of work to do
#webperf #perftools #monitoring #improvetheproduct