3D Nation Study Hub Site Now Available! [NOAA + USGS]
https://nauticalcharts.noaa.gov/updates/3d-nation-study-hub-site-now-available/ <-- NOAA technical article / ‘press release’
https://iocm.noaa.gov/planning/3DNationStudy.html <-- NOAA 3D Nation Elevation Requirements and Benefits Study
#GIS #spatial #mapping #elevation #opendata #bathymetry #webportal #data #businesscase #offshore #benefits #benefitsstudy #3D #data #terrestrial #marine #offshore #hydrospatial #usecase #national #USA #datasets #datacollection #planning #3DNation #3DTNM #3DEP #topobathy #topographic #bathymetric #coast #coastal #businessuse #maps #CoNED #gischat #NOAA #USGS
#gis #spatial #mapping #elevation #opendata #bathymetry #webportal #data #businesscase #offshore #benefits #benefitsstudy #3d #terrestrial #marine #hydrospatial #usecase #national #USA #datasets #datacollection #planning #3dnation #3dtnm #3dep #topobathy #topographic #bathymetric #coast #coastal #businessuse #Maps #coned #gischat #noaa #usgs
Fun Fact: In @markus_netzpolitik Vortrag ist ab Min 39 noch unsere alte #Website zu sehen - seit Montag ist das noch viel schönere, neue #Webportal live. Probiert es aus und registriert euch 👉 https://www.civic-coding.de
… und findet raus, wer das dritte Ministerium ist 😉
Bathymetric Data Viewer [global, NOAA]
https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/maps/bathymetry/ <-- spatial open data web portal
“NCEI and the IHO Data Center for Digital Bathymetry (DCDB) archive and share depth data acquired by hydrographic, oceanographic, and industry vessels and platforms during surveys or while on passage. These data, which are used in several national and international mapping bathymetry projects, are free to the public with no restrictions…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #bathmetry #global #opendata #openaccess #download #NCEI #DCBD #NOAA #elevation #sonar #water #hydrography #hydrospatial #webportal #science #spatialanalysis #DEM #data #digital #multibeam #survey #visualisation #BAG #raster #GEBCO #GMRT #IBSCO #GSHHG
#gis #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #bathmetry #global #opendata #openaccess #download #ncei #dcbd #noaa #elevation #sonar #water #hydrography #hydrospatial #webportal #science #spatialanalysis #dem #data #digital #multibeam #survey #visualisation #bag #raster #gebco #gmrt #ibsco #gshhg
Gemeinsame #Pressemitteilung von Sozialministerium und PETZE: Interaktives #Webportal für #Jugendliche (www.echt-krass.info) zur #Prävention von #sexualisierter #Gewalt gestartet - Jugendministerin Aminata Touré: „Jugendliche müssen frühzeitig lernen, sexuelle Grenzverletzungen wahrzunehmen und sich gegen Übergriffe zu wehren.“ @Sozialministerium.SH @sozmiSH @aminatatouresh @aminajxx
#pressemitteilung #webportal #jugendliche #pravention #sexualisierter #gewalt
#mastodon #webportal advanced. Another newbie question if you all don't mind. Is there any way to not show my own boosts in the Home tab? I have both Show Boosts & Show Replies turned off but they're still included. Thanks
But I just can’t see how turning #Twitter into a #phone is going to do #musk any good. I mean, really- ppl are leaving #BirdSite in droves, now. Who in their right mind would want to pay hundreds of #dollars for #toxicity when they don’t want it for free?
In my opinion, he’d be better off focusing on a #WebPortal. Hopefully he’s too #ignorant for that and we can all just get to watch the new #sequel, #TwitterPhone: #Facebook Phone Rides Again
#facebook #twitterphone #sequel #ignorant #webportal #toxicity #dollars #birdsite #Musk #phone #Twitter #weed #smoke
A #WordOfAdvice fellow #Mastodon #newbies- your (#UserName)@(#instance) is not your #login e-mail for the #webportal 😅
#webportal #login #instance #username #newbies #Mastodon #wordofadvice
I wonder if @feditips or anyone might know if the #migration is causing #LogInIssues with the #WebPortal or if I should be concerned about #security
Thank you ✌🏼
#security #webportal #loginissues #migration
#Webportal „urteile-gesetze.de“ steht ab sofort als #Open_Source #Software zur Verfügung.
#webportal #open_source #software