"Erasing old content is, also, a fundamental betrayal of what the internet was created for. It was meant to be an infinitely expanding space of unlimited discovery. One that exists beyond what was possible in the physical world. You could be whoever you want, talk to whoever you want, and interact non-linearly across time and space."
by @ryanbroderick
: https://www.garbageday.email/p/on-the-internet-you-can-in-some-sense #web #webPublishing #blogging #GAFAM #online
#online #gafam #blogging #webpublishing #Web
"Erasing old content is, also, a fundamental betrayal of what the internet was created for. It was meant to be an infinitely expanding space of unlimited discovery. One that exists beyond what was possible in the physical world. You could be whoever you want, talk to whoever you want, and interact non-linearly across time and space."
by @ryanbroderick
: https://www.garbageday.email/p/on-the-internet-you-can-in-some-sense #web #webPublishing #blogging #GAFAM #online
#online #gafam #blogging #webpublishing #Web
What is the training data of #LLMs?
#GenerativeAI / #stochasticParrots get education from everything we ever wrote for the web.
An article by Scott Rosenberg @scottros: https://www.axios.com/2023/04/24/ai-chatgpt-blogs-web-writing-training-data #dataGovernance @dataGovernance #copyright #microBlogging #webPublishing #blogging #blogs
#LLMs #generativeAI #stochasticparrots #datagovernance #copyright #microblogging #webpublishing #blogging #blogs
Now an English version of our recent web publication with our students, titled "Images of the World", is available:
How were images of the world and ideas of foreignness and otherness negotiated and constituted in nineteenth-century art?
#museumcollections #paintings #annotation #openscience #sciencecommunication #teaching #publishing #studentpublishing #webpublishing #digitalarthistory #decolonize
#museumcollections #paintings #annotation #openscience #sciencecommunication #teaching #publishing #studentpublishing #webpublishing #digitalarthistory #decolonize #alexandervonhumboldt #aimebonpland #ferdinandkonradbellermann #friedrichgeorgweitsch #carlblechen #friedrichauguststuler #paulmeyerheim #wilhelmkuhnert #radensaleh #amritashergil #palmenhaus #berlinerzoo
Interessante progetto di @istat_it: La storia demografica dell'Italia dal 1861 ad oggi. Numeri e grafici per raccontare come è cambiato il nostro paese dall'Unità D'Italia ad oggi.
#dati #storia #demografia #dataviz
RT @istat_it
➡️Online nuova collana #Istat di #webpublishing, pubblicazioni accessibili a tutti, con contenuti e #graficiinterattivi, approfondimenti e …
#dati #storia #demografia #dataviz #istat #webpublishing #graficiinterattivi
The website "Weltbilder" is the result of a seminar in #ArtHistory at #TUBerlin. The seminar examined how ideas of foreignness and otherness are negotiated and constructed in 19th century art.
The website is in German, translation will follow.
#museumcollections #paintings #annotation #openscience #sciencecommunication #teaching #publishing #studentpublishing #webpublishing #digitalarthistory #decolonize
#arthistory #tuberlin #museumcollections #paintings #annotation #openscience #sciencecommunication #teaching #publishing #studentpublishing #webpublishing #digitalarthistory #decolonize #alexandervonhumboldt #aimebonpland #ferdinandkonradbellermann #friedrichgeorgweitsch #carlblechen #friedrichauguststuler #paulmeyerheim #wilhelmkuhnert #radensaleh #amritashergil #palmenhaus #berlinerzoo
Saw this posted by someone else and loved the idea: #intro tags!
Born and raised: #NewJersey
Living: #Charlotte #NorthCarolina
Working: #WebPublishing #AdobeExperienceManager #FutureScrumMaster
Education: #BSDegree #SRU
Thinking about: #GriefBeyondBelief #GrievingMom #MomLife
Complaining about: #SepsisAwareness
Daydreaming about: #NewCareer
Cheering for: #NewJerseyDevils #IndianapolisColts #ForTheShoe #CharlotteCheckers
Bonus: #Writing #calligraphy #photography #yoga #Disney #DachshundMom
#intro #newjersey #charlotte #northcarolina #webpublishing #adobeexperiencemanager #futurescrummaster #bsdegree #sru #griefbeyondbelief #grievingmom #momlife #sepsisawareness #newcareer #newjerseydevils #indianapoliscolts #fortheshoe #charlottecheckers #writing #calligraphy #photography #yoga #disney #dachshundmom
Finally have time to read through this - the way in which sponge as a figure and metaphor for thinking sustainable and caring practices.
written by Michael Murtaugh
//We seek forms of work that function as soft filters rather than templates, embrace freeform formats and ways of working that avoid becoming calcified and prescriptive, and activate protocols that solidify and amplify practices in a responsive way while maintaining locally defined values.//