We have put together 6 reasons why politicians should include European #OpenWebSearch in their programme for the #EUElections2024.
Think importance of #websearch for today's society, asymmetric power structures, monopolised search engine markets, dependence on US corporations, opportunities of #OpenWebSearch for EU's research, business and innovation landscape …
Head over to https://opensearchfoundation.org/en/6-reasons-why/
There are certainly more reasons … let's discuss!
#websearch #euelections2024 #OpenWebSearch
How to build a better search engine than Google (a case study of the defunct Neeva, which lived for only 4 years before going bankrupt) - July 2023
#fz_links #WebSearch #InformationSystems #KnowledgeManagement
#fz_links #websearch #InformationSystems #knowledgemanagement
Quo vadis, European #WebSearch?
How can the #OpenWebIndex #OWI be operated as a public infrastructure in the long term? …Think policy support, funding models and governance structures.
Together with the partners of the EU project OpenWebSearch.eu we discussed ideas, goals and benefits of an Open Web Index and demands on policymakers.
Food for discussion!
👉 More info and download policy paper:
Guess, they fixed it now after this went viral. Two takeaways here: 1) Google is bad and we all know. 2) Mastodon has made it and is here to stay! 🤗 #websearch #Google #Tech
#QT - https://mastodon.social/@rodhilton/110894818243613681
Tip of the day: Our intelligent search assistant #DEVONagent can be used for all kinds of searches on the web, searching several search engines simultaneously for the best results. But besides searching, #DEVONagent also has a built-in web browser. And while it doesn’t support browser extensions, it does have some nice tricks up its sleeve. Here are a few. #productivity #research #tipoftheday #websearch https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20221206-devonagent-browsing
#devonagent #productivity #research #tipoftheday #websearch
An overview of search engines (mainly English language ones for now:
#search #WebSearch #SearchEngines
#HatTip to @indieterminacy for the link in a matrix room.
#search #websearch #searchengines #hattip
An overview of search engines (mainly English language ones for now:
#search #websearch #searchengines
I think that about 10% of my web searches are just about how to spell a word I'm going to write 😅
#search #websearch #spelling #words #language #searching
Post-#neeva update: I have the feeling that the search results at #Kagi are slowly getting better. What I am missing at the moment? It would be great if you didn't have to choose either Germany OR International for "Region", but could select several individually weighted regions.
#neeva #Kagi #websearch #kagisearch
Dear web developers,
Way back in the first years of the web, there were these services called "search engines." All they did was traverse the web every day and index all the text they found there, then they let you search on that index. They didn't do anything else at all.
I would be very happy as an individual user to pay $10/mo for such a service, and I suspect that enough other people would like this to support a reasonable business model.
A group of 1970s campus #librarians foresaw our world of distributed #knowledge and #research, and designed search tools for it
> of all the online search experiments that took place during this period (...) SUPARS mimicked contemporary web search more closely than any other, prefiguring several primary features of web-search protocols we rely on more than 50 years later.
#websearch #libraries #catalogues #databases
#librarians #knowledge #research #websearch #libraries #Catalogues #databases
I actually wonder when #apple will build it's own #privacy focused #websearch 👀
@Wolven I feel we're going to move back to human-curated services. Stumbleupon, Dig, where we are drawing upon data gathered by known contacts. We need federated linklisting. #search #seo #websearch
Tip of the day: In customer support, we receive many questions every day on different topics and it is not uncommon for people to ask the same question others have asked before. Therefore we offer another form of support for quick access: a FAQ section on our website. Here you can learn more about it. #devonagent #devonthink #devonthinktogo #pkm #productivity #research #support #tipoftheday #websearch https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20230307-faq
#devonagent #devonthink #devonthinktogo #pkm #productivity #research #support #tipoftheday #websearch
Tip of the day: Quality assurance is a top priority in the development of our applications. Nevertheless, misbehavior can sometimes occur, leading to an application crashing or stalling. To investigate and fix the issue, we need a report with some information about it. Here’s how you can support us with that. #devonagent #devonthink #macos #pkm #productivity #research #tipoftheday #troubleshooting #websearch https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20230131-stalls-and-crashes
#devonagent #devonthink #macos #pkm #productivity #research #tipoftheday #troubleshooting #websearch
@_3Jane Aehm, why? Is there any info about why they did that?
I actually sort of noticed it today. I was confused by the behaviour. But I thought it must be a temporary glitch :masto_silly:
Also looking for a search engine now
#searchTechnology #search #searchEngine #notGoogle #informationRetrieval #webSearch
#SearchTechnology #search #searchengine #notgoogle #informationretrieval #websearch
Tip of the day: In software as in life, things unexpectedly go wrong. Sometimes you can resolve things alone and sometimes you need help. For those times when you need assistance with our applications, here’s how to get help. #devonagent #devonsphere #devonthink #pkm #productivity #research #support #tipoftheday #websearch https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20201103-getting-help
#devonagent #devonsphere #devonthink #pkm #productivity #research #support #tipoftheday #websearch
I have heard this phrase "Google it." from very very reputed people lately. Please do not use it. It is very harmful.
When you use phrase "Google it...", you make an unethical company Google, who through it's OS Android forces billions of people to give their secrets (widely known as data) or snatches their secrets.
"Do a web search ..." is a better phrase.
#web #search #websearch #Google #freesoftware #opensource
Tip of the day: Cooking is a favorite pasttime of many, and many are learning or rekindling cooking skills during lockdown. But making the same old, same old meals can get tiresome. Here’s how #DEVONagent can be used to find some new recipes. #devonthink #pkm #productivity #research #tipoftheday #websearch https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20200630-dinner
#devonagent #devonthink #pkm #productivity #research #tipoftheday #websearch
Tip of the day: Our intelligent search assistant #DEVONagent can be used for all kinds of searches on the web, searching several search engines simultaneously for the best results. But besides searching, #DEVONagent also has a built-in web browser. And while it doesn’t support browser extensions, it does have some nice tricks up its sleeve. Here are a few. #productivity #research #tipoftheday #websearch https://www.devontechnologies.com/blog/20221206-devonagent-browsing
#devonagent #productivity #research #tipoftheday #websearch