@b0rk @randomgeek @hbuchel It’s funny how most “#RESTful” #WebServices have similarly missed the full point of @fielding’s actual #REST “just normal web things” style by not using hypertext as the engine of application state (#HATEOAS).
They’re just replaying all of #SOAP’s and #CORBA’s sins by relying on a fixed interface that is either revealed through documentation or an #InterfaceDescriptionLanguage like #OpenAPI.
#restful #webservices #rest #hateoas #soap #corba #interfacedescriptionlanguage #openapi
#DarkPatterns et #UXDesign https://www.mapao.net/security-site/fr/blog/dark-patterns-et-ux-design article très complet #espritcritique #biaiscognitifs #webservices par @celinem
#darkpatterns #uxdesign #espritcritique #biaiscognitifs #webservices
July 2023 WikiPathways release: 232 edits by 32 contributors and 12 new pathways. Accessible via #webservices and in #PathVisio, #Cytoscape Supported by AWSOpen. https://wikipathways.org/#download #bioinformatics #openscience #opensource
#webservices #PathVisio #Cytoscape #bioinformatics #openscience #opensource
@fuzzix I have bad news for you: #SOAP came out of that same era. It was an over-engineered adaptation by #Microsoft and @w3c of @davew’s #XMLRPC
Mind you, the entire #XML-based #WebServices stack of standards is being re-accreted on top of #JSON with efforts like #OpenAPI and JSON Schema. The final and once-again neglected piece is automated service discovery à la #UDDI
#soap #microsoft #xmlrpc #xml #webservices #json #openapi #uddi
You can build fast and reliable #webservices in #rustlang while tremendously reducing operating costs.
We’ll teach you how in our Rust workshop next month but here are 4 more reasons to join:
➡️ https://rust-web-services-workshop.mainmatter.com/
🧶 1/5
Amazon Web Services by Europe Server Hosting empowers developers, data scientists, and IT professionals to build innovative applications and analyze large datasets.
#amazonwebservices, #bestamazonvpsservices, #webservices
#webservices #bestamazonvpsservices #amazonwebservices
Seule vraie solution, un #oslibre type #gnulinux (ex: #trisquellinux ) et des #logicielslibres (UNIQUEMENT #libre) sur un pc équipé de #Libreboot
Et utiliser des #webservices respectueux de la #vieprivee (en plus des #gafam il y en a d'autres)
Et sur votre #webbrowser préféré (#firefox pour moi ou #abrowser sur #trisquel) j'ai ajouté #privacybadger et #ublockorigin
Reste à trouver un #librephone digne de ce nom.
#oslibre #gnulinux #trisquellinux #logicielslibres #libre #libreboot #webservices #vieprivee #gafam #webbrowser #firefox #abrowser #trisquel #privacybadger #ublockorigin #librephone
Performance of the #GraphAPI, #RESTAPI and #WebServices with SharePoint and Power Automate
The Performance of the Graph API, REST API and Web Services is very different. Before I'm looking at the performance of the Graph API and the other APIs, I first want to have a look at each API. The naming here is alread [...]
https://bit.ly/42BKnC8 #API #connector #SharePoint #action #Graph
Source: Microsoft Tech Community ITOps Talk Blog
#graphapi #restapi #webservices #API #Connector #SharePoint #action #graph
June 2023 WikiPathways release: 137 edits by 22 contributors and 2 new pathways. Accessible via #webservices and in #PathVisio, #Cytoscape Supported by AWSOpen. https://wikipathways.org/#download
#bioinformatics #openscience #opensource
#webservices #PathVisio #Cytoscape #bioinformatics #openscience #opensource
Windows Cloud Server's Amazon Web Services offers a comprehensive suite of scalable and flexible cloud computing services, enabling businesses to innovate, grow, and optimize their operations with secure and reliable infrastructure solutions.
Visit- https://www.windowscloudserver.com/amazon-web-services/#
#amazonwebservices #aws #cloud #amazon #webservices
#webservices #amazon #cloud #aws #amazonwebservices
Data scientists building #webservices with FastAPI: don't rely on manual testing through #SwaggerUI. Practice #TDD with FastAPI's TestClient object and pytest for reliable, automated testing.
Learn how: https://medium.com/p/d441213e5e56
#webservices #swaggerui #tdd #restendpoints #fastapi
Fue la primera cumbre de liderazgo de Microsoft tras la pandemia y sirvió de debut para Charlie Bell, cofundador de #Amazon #WebServices, que se incorporó a #Microsoft hace unos 18 meses tomando una decisión que, sin duda, causó revuelo en el sector. https://www.businessinsider.es/tiemble-amazon-libre-microsoft-padrino-cloud-1236930
#amazon #webservices #microsoft
A new version of my web service plugin is out!🥳🥳
Now with ability to check for connectivity and a flag to use logger!
#Flutter #pub #WebServices #MobileAppDevelopment #BuildBetterApps
#Flutter #pub #webservices #mobileappdevelopment #buildbetterapps
33 New Or Updated Datasets On The Registry Of Open Data For Earth Day And More
https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/publicsector/33-new-updated-datasets-registry-open-data-earth-day-more/ <-- shared blog post
H/T Doug Newcomb
[a little late, but hey...]
[note that I have no affiliation with Amazon and this is not intended as a specific endorsement, just for information]
#GIS #spatial #data #mapping #opendata #openaccess #amazon #aws #webservices #spatialdata #spatialanalysis #global #gischat #earthday #environmental #development #cloud #model #modeling #earthday2023 #earthdayeveryday #alldataisspatial
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
#gis #spatial #data #mapping #opendata #openaccess #amazon #aws #webservices #spatialdata #spatialanalysis #global #gischat #earthday #environmental #development #cloud #model #modeling #earthday2023 #earthdayeveryday #alldataisspatial
April 2023 WikiPathways release: 276 edits by 32 contributors and 6 new pathways. Accessible via #webservices and in @PathVisio, @cytoscape. Supported by @AWSOpen. https://www.wikipathways.org/download.html
#bioinformatics #openscience #opensource
#webservices #bioinformatics #openscience #opensource
April 2023 WikiPathways release: 276 edits by 32 contributors and 6 new pathways. Accessible via #webservices and in #PathVisio, #Cytoscape. Supported by #AWSOpen. https://www.wikipathways.org/download.html
#bioinformatics #openscience #opensource #nomoa
#webservices #PathVisio #Cytoscape #AWSOpen #bioinformatics #openscience #opensource #nomoa
Just found: restfulCall.jsf 🤯 It is so easy to get best out of two worlds. 🤪 #restful #webservices
Presenting the experimentation framework in which services can be specified and then formally analyzed for deadlock-freedom, achievement of process goals, and similar features: “An Experimentation Framework for Specification and Verification of Web Services” by Szymon Katra, Wiktor Daszczuk, Danny Czejdo. Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems, ACSIS, Vol. 30, pages 913–917 (2022).
#webservices #framework #IMDS
Open Access: https://tinyurl.com/244f7pcb
March 2023 WikiPathways release: 293 edits by 30 contributors and 22 new pathways. Accessible via #webservices and in #PathVisio, #Cytoscape. Supported by #AWSOpen. https://www.wikipathways.org/download.html
#bioinformatics #openscience #opensource #nomoa
#webservices #PathVisio #Cytoscape #AWSOpen #bioinformatics #openscience #opensource #nomoa
February 2023 WikiPathways release: 283 edits by 32 contributors. Accessible via #webservices and in #PathVisio, #Cytoscape. Supported by #AWSOpen. https://wikipathways.org/index.php/Download_Pathways
#bioinformatics #openscience #opensource #nomoa
#webservices #PathVisio #Cytoscape #AWSOpen #bioinformatics #openscience #opensource #nomoa