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#websitedevelopment #webdesign #websitedeveloper #webdevelopent
#webdevelopent #websitedeveloper #webdesign #websitedevelopment
Most popular websites since 1993 #websitedeveloper
Still looking for a reliable, competent, TRUSTWORTHY #webdev / #sitedev I can hire to change my site's wordpress theme to a cleaner one and/or install a digital store that lets people buy credits they can then exchange for digital purchases (because Stripe et all are 2#$@$^%ing fascist scum who consider female nipples alone to be on par with "sexually explicit material" which they ban anyone from using (even for an audio-only podcast, because I have "female nipples visible anywhere on the entire internet" 🙃 you can read about that whole bullshizzle here: )
I was hiring my friend to do website stuff for me but she's disappeared into the ether, AFTER I paid her, so I'm pretty pissed. I had a couple people on here reply to my last message that they were interested, but after I emailed them more details, none of them replied back. So I don't think they're reliable either.
If you or anyone you know is a #websitedeveloper who won't freak out about working for a nonsexual topless equality activist and has experience with wordpress (no I don't have time or energy or money to pay for a brand new coding of a brand new site, I don't care if you think WP sucks) then please hit me up. And please don't take my money and run. I really don't have enough of it to keep going through that.
#webdev #sitedev #websitedeveloper
Today's practice amm... I just changed the background
#web #frontend #ccs #html #websitedesigning #websitedeveloper #websitedesigner
#web #frontend #CCS #html #websitedesigning #websitedeveloper #websitedesigner