Daniel Aleksandersen · @da
141 followers · 75 posts · Server mastodon.daniel.priv.no

Why can’t manage to get rid of all the fake coupon websites? The type that “has” coupons for every shop and service imaginable. (In reality, they just want you to click their affiliate link for said service for a cut of the action.) Bing seems to be better at filtering out —at least some — of these sites. Yandex is even worse than Google.

#googlesearch #webspam #adfraud

Last updated 2 years ago

Nikke Lindqvist · @nikke
92 followers · 24 posts · Server seo.chat

So, another Monday trying to wrap my head around the fact that seems to work even better for this year than it did last year. Link growth to deep pages, seems to be just about the only signal that matters these day. You might think that Googles spamcatching AI should know it's job by now, but it seems to be at a loss when understanding even the worst cases of obvious spam.

#webspam #seo

Last updated 2 years ago