Croll’s Building at the corner of Webster Street and Central Avenue has a new—and now historically accurate—plaque after the old one was stolen.
#croll #alameda #BrittHotel #earthquake #JohnCrollSr #CentralAvenue #CrollBuilding #EClampusVitus #WebsterStreet #HistoricalMarkers
#croll #alameda #britthotel #earthquake #johncrollsr #centralavenue #crollbuilding #eclampusvitus #websterstreet #historicalmarkers
Was there really an airport on Webster Street? Why couldn’t residents take a bath at home? Was there a Palace on Palace Street? Join Dennis Evanosky to tour the West End to answer these questions and more, and learn how to identify features of Victorian-era architectural styles along the way.
#alameda #history #walking #WestEnd #WalkingTour #architecture #TaylorAvenue #HealingGarden #WebsterStreet
#alameda #history #walking #westend #walkingtour #architecture #tayloravenue #healinggarden #websterstreet
The Estuary Water Shuttle summertime pilot between West Alameda and Jack London Square has been cancelled after "a lack of clear communication," but the program will run in 2024. Ken Der also reports on proposed upgrades to Park and Webster streets following COVID-19 reorganizations.
#weta #alameda #ParkStreet #WebsterStreet #JackLondonSquare #EstuaryWaterShuttle #ActiveTransportationPlan #BoholCircleImmigrantPark #AlamedaCountyTransportationCommission
#weta #alameda #parkstreet #websterstreet #jacklondonsquare #estuarywatershuttle #activetransportationplan #boholcircleimmigrantpark #alamedacountytransportationcommission