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Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon:
As the official Web3 Ecosystem partner, Crypto Oasis will play a vital role in shaping the discussion around emerging technologies and their impact on the...... - #web3 #websummit
"That rose will die; my NFT will live on forever" - actual thing said by Code and Theory's
Dan Gardner in an entertaining #WebSummit panel on design after he got into a debate with fellow designer Brian Collins about gifts. I appreciated his comment about AI much more: "The thing that AI enables us to do, it doesn't confuse skill with creativity."
Google turning on the option of #passkey authentication today is legitimately epic news for getting past passwords. It's also epically fortuitous timing for my first #WebSummit panel today: an interview of @1password CEO Jeff Shiner about how that password-manager service wants to say goodbye to passwords.
Soooo awkward for GM to build its #WebSummit exhibit around its Bolt electric vehicles--and then announce the week before this event that it will stop making the Bolt EV and Bolt EUV.
Other things that "AI" can stand for, per a #WebSummit talk from Google's chief decision scientist Cassie Kozyrkov:
• Automated Instructions
• Accelerated Inspiration
• Augmented Individuals
But while she voiced optimism about how AI can boost human productivity, she warned of the socioeconomic consequences of unequal access to it: "As we enlarge ourselves with technologies, it unfortunately becomes easier to step on the people around you."
Can confirm that Rio traffic is no joke: The roughly 6-mile commute from my hotel to the #WebSummit venue took 45 minutes, during which I had plenty of chances to watch Transcarioca BRT buses in their own lanes gliding past all the cars, trucks, buses and motorcycles.
Good morning from Washington Dulles International Airport, where I'm on my way to Rio de Janeiro for #WebSummit Rio. This will be my first trip taking me out of the northern hemisphere and I am pretty chuffed about that, as my Irish cousins (and Web Summit's Dublin-based organizers) might say.
But allowing third-party stores is a little concerning from a security point of view. Craig mentioned some in his talk at last year's WebSummit:
Depois de Lisboa roubar a #websummit a Dublin, o #Moedas quer fazer melhor e entrar para a história como o presidente que roubou os canais a Veneza.
#WebSummit 2022 : les grandes leçons
- L’omniprésence de l’IA Générative dans tous les discours liés à l’intelligence artificielle
- Un intérêt de plus en plus marqué de la tech pour le développement durable et la circularité
I thought Molly White gave a fantastic talk! I think it took a lot of guts to deliver such a "speak truth to power" speech at Web Summit. As she spoke about the amalgamation of power across the web, and how the big tech companies enrich themselves by manufacturing engagement (often rage), it made me wonder if communications at scale are a good idea in general. The irony being, we're using a tool to help communicate at scale. It gives me something to ponder.
please feel free to share your thoughts about tea. i would love to hear.
If you haven't heard about it yet, here is a video of dev max howell launching tea at web summit 2022
read the white paper :
#tea #websummit #opensource #homebrew #maxhowell
please feel free to share your thoughts about tea. i would love to hear.
If you haven't heard about it yet, here is a video of dev max howell launching tea at web summit 2022
read the white paper :
#websummit #opensource #homebrew #maxhowell #teaxyz
Out playing skipper to #startup #founders at #websummit #lisbon #portugal
#startup #Founders #websummit #lisbon #portugal
At The Gathering for #startup #founders at #websummit in #lisbon #portugal🇵🇹
#lisboa #startups #founder #msft4startups #retail @ O Clube - Monsanto Secret Spot
#startup #Founders #websummit #lisbon #portugal #lisboa #startups #founder #msft4startups #retail
This was a great talk. Thanks Molly!
RT @molly0xfff
"Is Web3 bullshit?"
My talk on the Crypto stage at Web Summit 2022.
#WebSummit #WebSummit2022
"Is Web3 bullshit?"
My talk on the Crypto stage at Web Summit 2022.
"Is Web3 bullshit?"
My talk on the Crypto stage at Web Summit 2022.