Generate Word Clouds from Plain Text
A screencast showing the word cloud generator tool from Jason Davies, which lets you display text as a word cloud based on word frequencies.
#DataVis #DataVisualisation #DataVisualization #DataViz #NaturalLanguageProcessing #Screencast #WebsitesYouShouldKnowAbout #WebtipWednesday #WordCloud #WordCloudGenerator
#datavis #datavisualisation #datavisualization #dataviz #naturallanguageprocessing #screencast #websitesyoushouldknowabout #webtipwednesday #wordcloud #wordcloudgenerator
Analyze and Visualize Web Page Style Sheets
A screencast showing the website, which lets you analyze and visualize CSS rules for the web page you enter. A cool online tool that can help you with improving the consistency and performance of your website.
#CascadingStyleSheets #CSSTool #ComputerProgrammer #DataVis #DataVisualisation #DataVisualization #DataViz #Screencast #SoftwareDeveloper #WebDeveloper #WebsitesYouShouldKnowAbout #WebtipWednesday
#cascadingStyleSheets #csstool #computerprogrammer #datavis #datavisualisation #datavisualization #dataviz #screencast #softwaredeveloper #webdeveloper #websitesyoushouldknowabout #webtipwednesday