Been doing this afternoon something I should have done some months ago: documenting and cleaning my `facing-sections` #pagedjs hook.
Basically, what it does is putting one section only on the left pages, and another one on the right pages. It can be quite useful for bilingual projects for example.
Here is a link to the repo:
@QuentinJuhel, I think you were trying to do something like this at some point?
#pagedjs #webtoprint #freesoftware
Je suis en live sur #Twitch tout de suite, ça part en session #webtoprint pour l'anniversaire de mon imposture en tant qu'affiliée (9 mois sans stream ça commence à faire beaucoup !)
ci-book™ Process Organizer
14 Tage lang - auf Nachfrage gerne länger - grundlegende Funktionen und Layouts testen:
Mit dem Process Organizer werden übergreifende oder bei Bedarf spezifische Freigabe- und Arbeitsprozesse in der Web-To-Publish Lösung ci-book™ für Vorlagen und darauf basierende Dokumente festgelegt.
#WebToPublish #WebToPrint #ProcessOrganizer #PublishingWorkflow #BrandManagement #CorporateDesign #dserv #cibook
#webtopublish #webtoprint #processorganizer #publishingworkflow #brandmanagement #corporatedesign #dserv #cibook
ci-book™ Message Carrier
Demotermin vereinbaren unter:
Oder testen Sie 14 Tage lang grundlegende Funktionen und ausgewählte Layouts unter:
Mit dem Message Carrier werden Ihre neusten Meldungen zu bevorstehenden Marketing-Aktionen und -Kampagnen direkt auf Ihrer ci-book™ Plattform veröffentlicht.
#WebToPublish #WebToPrint #MessageCarrier #MailDistributor #Marketing #Communication #CorporateDesign #dserv #cibook
#webtopublish #webtoprint #messagecarrier #maildistributor #marketing #communication #corporatedesign #dserv #cibook
ci-book™ Font Controller
Demotermin vereinbaren unter:
Mit dem Font Controller können die Corporate-Design-Schriftarten zentral kontrolliert und ausgetauscht werden, wobei jederzeit ein Überblick der angewendeten Schriftschnitte und Formatierungen möglich ist.
#WebToPublish #WebToPrint #FontController #Typographie #Branding #CorporateDesign #dserv #cibook
#webtopublish #webtoprint #fontcontroller #typographie #branding #corporatedesign #dserv #cibook
ci-book™ Universal Editor - PREVIEW
Demotermin vereinbaren unter:
Der Universal Editor ist die Kern-Applikation zur Bearbeitung von Vorlagen, Dokumenten und Publikationen innerhalb der WebToPublish Lösung ci-book™.
#WebToPublish #WebToPrint #UniversalEditor #WYSIWYGEditor #HTMLEditor #dserv #cibook
#webtopublish #webtoprint #universaleditor #wysiwygeditor #htmleditor #dserv #cibook
ci-book™ Asset Manager
Demotermin vereinbaren unter:
#WebToPublish #WebToPrint #AssetManager #DigitalAssetManagement #DAM #API #dserv #cibook
#webtopublish #webtoprint #assetmanager #digitalassetmanagement #dam #API #dserv #cibook
@loupbrun @antoinentl RDV 20 Juin pour - PAGED.JS
"Faire du Web to print et transformer des contenus HTML en PDF depuis un navigateur."
#HTML2PRINT #WebToPrint #PAGEDJS #CSS #VanillaJS @julieblanc @julienbidoret @polylogue
#vanillajs #css #pagedjs #webtoprint #html2print
How Can Web-to-Print Solutions Benefit Print Brokers, Ecommerce Businesses and Their Customers?
Since you have come to the space of blog posts on Brush Your Ideas, we believe that you already know what web-to-print software is.
And nearly 70% of print service providers in the USA have invested in an all-inclusive web-to-print software system.
#webtoprint #webtoprinttool #webtoprintsolution #webtoprintsoftware #ecommerce
#productdesignsoftware #onlineprinting
#webtoprint #webtoprinttool #webtoprintsolution #webtoprintsoftware #ecommerce #productdesignsoftware #onlineprinting
Web to Print Solutions – An Ultimate Guide to Run Web to Print Business
There is no doubt that the emergence of the internet has changed the way businesses operate and grow today. Particularly true for the printing industry, web to print business solutions are in high demand making it one of the most growing industries.
#webtoprint #webtoprinttool #webtoprintsolution #webtoprintsoftware E-commerce, product design software, w2p, online printing
#webtoprint #webtoprinttool #webtoprintsolution #webtoprintsoftware
10 St. Patrick’s Themed Custom Products For Your eCommerce Business
St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated in honor of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Over the years, the celebrations have gone from being limited to Ireland to all over the world, amongst the Irish diaspora. Let’s look at the history of St. Patrick’s Day a little more closely.
#webtoprint #webtoprinttool
#webtoprint #webtoprinttool #webtoprintsolution #webtoprintsoftware #productdesignsoftware #onlineprintingtool #brushyourideas
A workshop led by Antoine Gelgon with students from the New Media Department of the École Supérieure d'Art et de Design des Pyrénées
The contents of this publication have been augmented by texts and media from the web, mainly received and integrated via
calls to APIs (Application Programming Interface), services allowing requests to be made in order to receive responses. Each of the 20 (+1) copies of this publication is individually generated and features specific texts and media.
#webtoprint #workshop @julienbidoret @AntoineGelgon
Actuellement en train de m'arracher les cheveux et de perdre mon sommeil (depuis 4 jours) à cause d'une idée d'index dans #pagedjs... J'ai hâte que mon pdf soit prêt (et j'espère fort que je n'aurais pas de bug...)
Ça va être beau quand ce sera fini, mais conseil d'ami : ne pas jouer avec les index, c'est mieux
#pagedjs #webtoprint #graphicdesign #bookmaking
I treasure a series of tiny #webtoprint volumen publications, mostly done on thermal printers. Most of them progressively vanish with time. I like that so much…
Christmas is around the corner and so does an easy revenue-generating opportunity for your business. Presenting you 5 major reasons why adding personalized products to your e-commerce store can lead to higher sales this Christmas.
#personalized #personalizedgifts #Christmas2022 #printingbusiness #designtool #webtoprint #brushyourideas
#personalized #personalizedgifts #christmas2022 #printingbusiness #designtool #webtoprint #brushyourideas
This morning, a new #WebToPrint workshop starts in ÉSAD Pyrénées, and I'm not even part of the team nor am I initiating it. So pleased that the dynamic goes beyond me and that others are seizing these tools and approaches.
#webToPrint workshop at Beaux arts de Paris starts today. Suggested content to work with: lists (of list (of list)) of Wikipedia
"Version 55 of WeasyPrint has been released.
What’s New? (Visible Features)
- performance with improved speed and document size,
- columns can be finely managed and are more solid in many corner cases,
- shorthand properties handle the inherit value,
- text decoration is correctly applied for nested values,
- embedded fonts are smaller and have nice names,
- absolute boxes are correctly positioned in right-to-left,
- SVG images got new tests and small fixes."
#design #webtoprint #weasyprint
Hi , I'm Quentin, I'a graphic designer free-software and #webtoprint enthusiast . Since two years I share these interests with students by teaching at Nimes University and The Orléans School of Art and Design. I'm part of @velvetyne and Atelier Téméraire (which distribute political/graphical zines, thesis and posters). I'm also a big fan of #printingsystems and currently working with a beautiful plotter call Plotilde (adopted with @raphael ). I love organise meeting's and workshop to exchange with poeple and learn new stuff.
To pay my rent and eat I develop small website (I'm mor specialized in the frontend job, I'm afraid by big architectures).
These last month I'm questionning the notion of #labour in my domains and the society. I'm interrested by #labourabolition promoted by #anarchists movements.
#anarchists #labourabolition #labour #printingsystems #webtoprint #introduction