Wanna get an overview of current @w3c work? Watch this 🎬 from @plehegar about #WebNN #MachineLearning #Security #WebRTC #PrivateAdvertising #WebAssembly #WebGPU #WebTransport #WebCodecs, #DIDs #WCAG, and much more!
This talk is among the 20 presentations recorded during the "Web Technology Forum" event, organized by the W3C China team.
English and Chinese captions are avail.!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VxD4_4NTBI&list=PLNhYw8KaLq2UvXR79_FPMFcHLG0ipGly4
Read more about this successful event: https://www.w3.org/blog/2023/infinite-intelligence-and-secure-connection-w3c-chinas-web-technology-forum-report/
#webnn #machinelearning #security #webrtc #privateadvertising #webassembly #webgpu #webtransport #webcodecs #dids #wcag
Watch Chad Hart's itw of @tidoust talking about #Streams and explaining the game of processing dominoes #WebCodecs, #WebTransport, #WebRTC, etc.
#streams #webcodecs #webtransport #webrtc
9 June at 11am ET: webrtcH4cKS organizes a live panel discussion on #WebTransport, #WebCodecs and the future of #WebRTC w/ @tidoust (@w3c), Bernard Aboba (Microsoft) and Jordi Cenzano (Meta).
Get a cal invite here: https://webrtchacks.com/livestream/
This follows a series of 2 articles by @tidoust and @dontcallmeDOM: https://webrtchacks.com/real-time-video-processing-with-webcodecs-and-streams-processing-pipelines/
#webtransport #webcodecs #webrtc
🆕 You've enjoyed reading the creation of a multi-step video processing pipeline? This second article by @tidoust explores the actual processing of video frames! https://webrtchacks.com/video-frame-processing-on-the-web-webassembly-webgpu-webgl-webcodecs-webnn-and-webtransport/
Technologies involved are #JavaScript #WebAssembly #WebGPU #WebCodecs #WebGL #WebTransport #WebNN.
Give feedback and contribute to an experimental code for creating video processing pipelines using these web technologies: https://github.com/tidoust/media-tests/ Thanks!
#javascript #webassembly #webgpu #webcodecs #webgl #webtransport #webnn
Wow, I'm discovering #WebTransport, an experimental Web API that is being implemented in chromium browsers, which is basically (please bare with me for a minute), UDP websockets over HTTP/3.
What it means : UDP is an alternative to TCP (as in TCP/IP) that has no transport control, which means that "datagrams" are sent (messages) with no garantee of really arriving at destination nor in the right order. Usually they do, but in opposition to TCP, it won't be detected and fixed at the protocol level. It means lighter and faster communication at the expanse of reliability. Today, UDP is used for online game synchronisation, voice and video chat, etc. Contexts where "missing a frame" is not a problem.
And recently, it's used for HTTP/3. You might be using it right now on most Google websites without even knowing it. Reliability is not provided by the protocol, but by the browser directly, which has a lot of interesting applications.
Anyway. WebTransport means that the browsers are exposing this as a Javascript API, which gives you a faster alternative to Websockets, with both reliable (with browser/server checks for integrity and order) and unreliable (data comes in any order, packets get dropped) modes.
Which is very good news for games, online video, etc.
That's it that's the toot.