Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1410 followers · 99641 posts · Server

@Natanox yes, node and tracker as well as [private] , and @torproject and OFC relays...

#bridges #vanilla #webtunnel #obfs4 #bittorrent #ipfs

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1411 followers · 98867 posts · Server
Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1399 followers · 97753 posts · Server

It's not as if I don't know ~why~ @tails chose to be that restrictive but it's quite sad that one's kinda barred from honestly contributing to the project.

I could understand and accept any decision if they at least told me why they'd not want me or have not replied to it.

Another issue is that for some absurd reason one can only add a single @torproject when ine wants to configure a hidden connection.

This is kinda stupid since , and also exist.

#webtunnel #Snowflake #meek #bridge #obfs4

Last updated 1 year ago